9. Ship of the Month - cont'd. real Transportation for a number of years. The Calvins, of course, had been shipbuilders and operators in their own right for many years. Early in 1916, Roy M. Wolvin, who had come from Duluth, although born at St. Clair, Michigan, in 1880, and who was a director of Canada Steamship Lines Ltd., personally acquired financial control of Montreal Transportation. Thereafter, the M. T. Co. fleet was operated for Wolvin by C. S. L., although many of the ships retained their traditional M. T. Co. livery. (Some M. T. Co. boats began to be given C. S. L. stack colours in 1917-1918. ) During the years of Wolvin control, a number of other smaller shipping companies were acquired and their vessels added to the M. T. Co. fleet. During that same pe riod, however, Wolvin sold most of the fleet's modern, steel-hulled canal lers at prices which were highly inflated due to the demand for tonnage on salt water during World War One. Accordingly, by the time the war ended, the M. T. Co. fleet consisted mainly of old wooden steamers and barges, most of them well past their prime. GLENMOUNT, even with her composite hull, was one of the better ships remaining in the fleet! In 1920, Roy Wolvin sold the Montreal Transportation Company fleet to Canada Steamship Lines Ltd., on whose board of directors he still sat. (Yes, the entire situation was unusual, to say the least! ) By 1925, most of the former M. T. Co. ships had been retired from service and the once-great company was but a memory. GLENMOUNT soon was painted up in the colours which C. S. L. was using at that stage of its history. Her hull and forecastle were all red, and on her bows was carried the white outline of a diamond, with the white letters 'CSL' inside on the red background. The 'S' in the centre of the diamond was much larger than either the 'C ' or the 'L'. Most C. S. L. boats had grey cabins up until the early 1920s, at which time they became white. The only photograph we have of GLENMOUNT in C. S. L. colours is dated 1923 and shows her with white cabins, but the possibility exists that her cabins may have been grey when she first came over from the M. T. Co. fleet. Her smokestack was orange-red with a white band and a black top, the company's use of the old Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's crimson and black stack having given way to the tri-colour stack, formerly used by the Northern Navigation Company, only a few years subsequent to the formation of C. S. L. in 1913. GLENMOUNT's stubby little foremast was painted buff with a white tip, while the mainmast was all black. C. S. L. soon got rid of the flared top of GLENMOUNT's smokestack, but we are not sure whether what remained was the same thin, old stack with a new straight top added, or whether it was a new funnel entirely. Regardless, it was still tall and spindly, and the steamer's appearance would have bene- fitted greatly from a much heavier stack, even if substantial height was needed to deflect the outpourings of cinders and soot. By this time, her lifeboats finally were painted white, although in our 1923 photo, close examination with an enlarging glass shows that they were well soot-streaked, as was everything else on the boat deck. GLENMOUNT's master during the 1920 season season, and for several years thereafter, was Capt. W. J. Brown, who also had commanded her during her M. T. Co. years. The ship spent the winter of 1920-1921 at Collingwood, and we suspect that she laid up either at Collingwood or at Midland in each of her winters during C. S. L. ownership. The October 1921 issue of "Canadian Railway and Marine World" reported that "Canada Steamship Lines is reported to have taken the (upper lake) steamships J. H. G. HAGARTY, COLLINGWOOD, W. D. MAT THEWS, MIDLAND KING, VALCARTIER and GLENMOUNT out of service, temporarily, during September as grain had been moving in such volume that the Montreal elevators were taxed beyond their capacity. It is stated that the ships will be replaced in service immediately the congestion is relieved. " Apart from that brief report, GLENMOUNT was conspicuously absent from the shipping news reports.