13. OSSIFRAGE - cont'd. 1872 at Sandusky. Immediately behind OSSIFRAGE is CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS (U. S . 125743), built 1879 at Grand Haven, Michigan. At the far right is ATLANTIC (C. 85491), rebuilt in 1883 by Melancthon Simpson out of the burned- out remains of MANITOULIN (I) of 1880. The only fly in this ointment? GOLDEN EAGLE, owned by Frank W. Gilchrist, of Alpena, was sold to buyers from Houghton, Michigan, in 1892 and was renamed (b) VALERIE. So, either the pho to was taken before 1892 (which can't be because of the "Cheboygan, Mackinac Island and Sault Ste. Marie Line" legend on OSSIFRAGE's bow), or else the second ship in the picture is VALERIE (rather than GOLDEN EAGLE), or pos sibly some other vessel completely! Gerry Ouderkirk found some interesting items about OSSIFRAGE in the Owen Sound papers. From "The Owen Sound Sun" of Friday, April 14, 1905: "Algoma Central Sailings. As announced in 'The Sun' nearly a month ago, the Algoma Central's strs. MINNIE M. and OSSIFRAGE will ply from Owen Sound this sum mer. Mr. F. J. Latter, travelling freight and passenger agent for the compa ny, arrived in town last night, and together with Mr. J. K. McLauchlan, who will be the agent at this point, is busy making necessary arrangements about town. The str. OSSIFRAGE will leave Collingwood every Wednesday at 1: 30 p. m. and Owen Sound at 11: 00 p. m. for Killarney and other North Shore ports for the Soo and Michipicoten, returning to Collingwood via French River and Par ry Sound. The steamer will connect at Killarney with the str. KING EDWARD of the Toledo-Detroit-Soo route. The MINNIE M. will touch Owen Sound on the southbound trip, leaving here every Saturday at 1: 00 p. m. for Collingwood, leaving there on Sunday at 6 p. m. for the Soo and Michipicoten via East and North Shore ports. Mr. Latter stated that ice permitting, the MINNIE M. will arrive here a week from tomorrow, and that both steamers would be on their regular routes within two weeks. " The same paper reported on Friday, April 28, 1905: "The str. OSSIFRAGE will arrive here on Wednesday on her first trip; leaving Wednesday evening for the Soo via Killarney and North Shore ports. " But her debut on this new route was delayed. "The Collingwood Bulletin" of Thursday, May 4, 1905, advised: "Marine Intelligence. Mr. John Muir has been appointed local agent for the Algoma Steamship Co. 's steamers MINNIE M. and OSSIFRAGE. The steamer OSSIFRAGE came into port on Saturday to go on the dry dock for repairs. Capt. Arthur Batten (best known for his years in CARI BOU -Ed. ) informed the 'Bulletin' that his steamer will go on the regular route as soon as she is released from dry dock. THEANO came off the dry dock on Saturday evening, her place being taken by the OSSIFRAGE and the tug TRA VELLER. The OSSIFRAGE will receive new sister keelsons. " "The Owen Sound Sun" on Friday, May 5th, reported that OSSIFRAGE had arrived in port the day before, after her repairs at Collingwood, and on Tuesday, May 23rd, 1905, reported that OSSIFRAGE would run a Victoria Day moonlight excursion, with the 31st regimental band playing. Tickets would be 25 cents. Capt. Batten and OSSIFRAGE got into a spot of trouble at Byng Inlet on May 31st, 1905. Piecing together reports from various papers, it seems OSSIFRAGE in the dark of night, ran so hard on a smooth flat rock on a curve in the Magnettawan River that her bow was out of water five feet from the forefoot. MANITOU, BRITANNIC and TELEGRAM all pulled on OSSIFRAGE to no avail, but TRAVELLER, arriving with a string of log booms, looped them around the stranded boat and refloated her three days after she had grounded. OSSIFRAGE was so little damaged that she immediately left for the Soo, resuming her regular trip. We hope the readers have enjoyed this addendum to the OSSIFRAGE story. Tune in again next month, as we take yet another trip on OSSIFRAGE, and share with us the humourous story of what happened on a rainy night when the boat missed a turn on "the kinkly Snye" in June of 1913.