VOL. XXXIII - NO. 5 FEBRUARY 2001 MEETINGS Saturday, March 3rd - 2: 00 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. Member Fred Addis will present an illustrated programme featuring the dred ges constructed by Matthew Beatty & Sons at Welland, 1880-1915. This event will be something quite unusual, so plan to attend. Friday, April 6th - 7: 45 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. Programme to be Announced. Please watch for full details in the March issue. Saturday, May 12th - You should reserve this evening for our Annual Dinner Meeting aboard JADRAN. Full details of programme, menu, cost, etc., will appear in the March issue. Plan now to join us there. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK The January Meeting, the first of our winter Saturday afternoons, proved to be a great success. We managed to show all of the slides the members brought, and just within the time available to us. We saw some very inte- resting interpretations of our theme, "Canvas", proving that our members are up for any challenge we can throw at them. We extend sincere thanks to the large crowd that attended, and to all who brought slides to show. We remind the members that we always are open to suggestions for future meetings. Please let us know if you have an idea, or if you would like to present a programme. In the New Member Department, we apologize sincerely for the mis-spelling in the January issue of the name of new member C. E . Pursey, of Cobourg, Ontario. A glitch in internal communications led to the unfortunate error. * * * * * * * Executive C o m m ittee Jay N . Bascom R. F. B e a u p re D av id Bull Roger C h a p m a n L orne Joyce C apt. J. L eo nard C apt . G. O u d e r k i r k G. T u r n e r W . R. Wilson Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M 4W 2C7 ISSN 0318-014X