M O N T H L Y N E W S B U L L E T I N O F T H E T O R O N T O M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L Executive Committee Jay N. Bascom Roger Chapm an Capt. G. O uderk irk R. F. Beaupre Lorne Joyce G. T u rn er David Bull Capt. J. Leonard W. R. Wilson Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M4W 2C7 VOL. XXXIII - NO. 7___________________________________________________ APRIL 2001 MEETINGS Saturday, May 12th - The Annual Dinner Meeting. Please see details below. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK All those present at the March Meeting enjoyed the illustrated history by Fred Addis of the building of dredges at Welland, 1880-1915, by Matthew Beatty & Sons. This was a most interesting and different presentation, and we extend sincere thanks to Fred for his efforts in putting it together. The Annual Dinner Meeting will be held Saturday, May 12, in the Captain's Quarters aboard JADRAN, moored on the east side of Toronto's Yonge Street slip. Parking is available in two lots just east of the ship, and there is easy access via the T. T. C. (Bay bus or Harbourfront-Spadina streetcar south from Union Station to Queen's Quay). Cash bar will open at 6: 00 p. m. and the four-course dinner will be served at 7: 00. Our speaker will be Alex Elliott, retired naval architect from the Upper Lakes Group, who wor ked at both Collingwood and Port Weller shipyards. He will give an illus trated talk about the ships he helped to build, "from B. A. PEERLESS to YANKCANUCK to the P. E. I. ferries VACATIONLAND and HOLIDAY ISLAND". Tickets will cost $32. 00 (Canadian dollars! ) per person and, as usual, guests will be most welcome. Please send your early remittance to our Chief Purser and, when paying, kindly specify whether you would prefer a salmon or steak dinner. Cheques should be payable to Toronto Marine Histo rical Society, and sent to William R. Wilson, 173 Glenrose Avenue, Toronto Ontario M4T 1K7. Tickets will be held at the door for all who have submit ted reservations. Please note that space is limited, and we must confirm to the restaurant ISSN 0318-014X