S. S. "CASCO" W E L L A N D C A N A L T Y P E V E SSE L Construction supervised by Lambert and German L ength , B . P ................................. 253'-0" B read th , m o ld ed ....................... 43 '-0" D ep th , m olded............................ 20'-0" D ra f t , lo a d e d .............................. 14'- 1 1/2" D eadw eight, long to n s ................... 2, 485 W h ea t capacity, b u sh e ls ............ 91, 500 Ind ica ted horse pow er....................1, 000 Built by EARLE'S SH IP B U IL D IN G & E N G IN E E R IN G CO. LTD. for the LAKES A N D ST. L AW R ENCE TRANSPO RTATION CO. LTD. Subsidiary of the C A N A D A STARCH C O M PA N Y LIM ITED