5. Ship of the Month - cont'd. 3/4 knots on 14 ft. loaded draft and 9 3/4 knots on full loaded draft of 21 ft. They will have a capacity of 13, 500 barrels of oil when restricted to 14 ft. draft through the St. Lawrence canals, and a capacity of 27, 000 barrels through the Welland Ship Canal when opened, or on the Upper Great Lakes. They will be used for the transportation of crude and fuel oil on the Great Lakes. " The June 1930 issue of "Canadian Railway and Marine World" reported: "McColl-Frontenac Oil Co., Toronto [sic], had a single screw oil tank steam ship launched [as its Hull 177 -Ed. ] by Furness Shipbuilding Co. Haverton Hill-on Tees, England, [Tuesday] April 29, and christened CYCLO-CHIEF by Mrs. W. L. Gilmour, wife of the owner's resident superintendent. The ship, which is intended for special bulk oil ocean and also St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes service, is a tanker of the single deck type, with poop [63 feet] and forecastle [39 feet] and expansion trunk [148 feet] over the range of oil compartments, built on the combined longitudinal and transverse sys tem of framing to Lloyd's 100 A1 class for carrying petroleum in bulk. "Her principal dimensions are: length, b. p., 250 ft., breadth moulded, 43 ft., depth, 24 1/2 ft. A deadweight of about 3, 900 tons will be carried on the load draft. Five main oil tanks are arranged each side of the centre line, making 10 in all, the upper portion of each tank forming the expansion trunk. The pump room is fitted forward, and an oil fuel bunker with steam heating arrangement is fitted forward of the machinery space. Water ballast spaces are provided in the fore and after peaks, and forward deep tank, and feed water in the double bottom underneath the machinery space. Steaming out and fire extinguishing apparatus is fitted in the oil cargo and fuel tanks. "A cargo hold is fitted forward, served by a hatch with two 2-ton derricks. A powerful steam windlass is fitted on the forecastle deck together with a 7 x 10 in. mooring winch; a similar winch is also fitted aft and 2 on upper deck forward for mooring purposes. The steam steering gear is fitted aft, controlled by rods from wheelhouse amidships and poop deck aft. "Special attention has been paid to the accommodation to suit the Canadian service. The captain and officers will be berthed in the deckhouse amid ships, the engineers in poop deckhouse, and the crew in forecastle, ample messroom and store room accommodation being provided. A tastefully furnished room is provided for the owner. A refrigerated chamber is fitted aft for ship's use, and a complete electric light installation and a wireless tele graphy installation have been fitted. "An up-to-date cargo pumping installation consists of two 16 x 14 x 24 in. horizontal duplex cargo pumps [manufactured by Dawson & Downie Ltd., Clyde bank, Scotland -Ed. ] capable of dealing with different classes of oil at the same time, and a horizontal ballast pump 10 x 8 x 12 in., also an oil fuel transfer pump, 6 x 6 x 7 in. The propelling machinery, located aft, consists of a set of triple expansion engines having cylinders 19, 33 and 54 in. [diameter] with 42 in. stroke. Steam will be supplied by two multitubular marine boilers 14 3/4 ft. diam. by 11 ft. [with 5, 179 square feet of heating surface -Ed. ] at 200 lb. pressure. [Engines and boilers were built by the North Eastern Marine Engineering Company Ltd. at Newcastle -Ed. ] "The ship has been built under the superintendence of Capt. Albert H. Foote. Another ship for the same owner was launched at Haverton Hill-on-Tees [the yard's Hull 178] in the middle of May and christened CYCLO-WARRIOR. " The same publication in its July 1930 issue indicated that "McColl-Frontenac Oil Co.... had its third single screw oil tank steamship, ordered from Fur ness Shipbuilding Co., launched at Haverton Hill-on-Tees, England, [Wednesday] May 14, and christened CYCLO-WARRIOR... The CYCLO-WARRIOR under went her steam trials on the Whitley measured mile on [Tuesday] June 3rd. "The single screw oil tank steamship CYCLO-CHIEF, launched for McColl-Fron tenac Oil Co. on April 29... underwent her steam trials on the Whitley mea