Hope 67 Howell Cobb 59 Howell Hoppock 37 Humming Bird 20 Huron 11 Hyphen 61 I. U. Masters 40 Ida Simms 80 Idaho 40 Illinois 42 Independence 13 Indiana 47, 67 Indianola 21 Ireland 67 Ironsides 37 Isaac L. Ellwood 95 Isaac May 83 Isaac Toney 59 Isabella 43 Island Queen 64 Islander 64, 87 Ithaca 58 J. B. Kitchen 38 J. E. and Daniel Bailey 68 J. F. Card 54 J. H. Driscoll 81 J. H. Hillman, Jr. 109 J. H. Magruder 84 J. H. Outhwaite 79 J. J. Carroll 87 J. K. White 91 J. R. Bentley 28 J. U. Porter 50 J. V. Lutts 84 Jack Dowling 63 Jacob Thompson 59 James Amadeus 81 James Barr 66 James C. Lockwood 77 James H. Martin 37 James J. Hill 95 James Pickands 77 Japan 59 Jasco 61 Jenny Lind 39 Jeramiah S. Black 59 Jersey City 34 Jessie 23, 32 Joe Harris 41 Johan Mjelde 104 John B. Floyd 59 John B. Lyon 77 John G. Deshler 36 John Hollister 66 John Jacob Astor 47 John Kenzie 47 John L. Green 84 John Marshall 66 John Miner 78 John O'Neil 80 John Q. Adams 15 John Roen IV 106 John Sherman 40 John Sherwin 105 John W. Gates 95 Joseph S. Fay 37 Joseph S. Spinney 81 Josephine 86 Jura 59 Kate Grant 86 Kate Richmond 43 Kewaunee 57 Kitty Downs 83 Kunkle Brothers 82 L. Birkhead 81 L. C. Hutchinson 80 L. L. Lyons 43 L. M. Hubby 41 L. May Guthrie 22 L. P. Smith 41 L. Starkweather 80 L. V. Stoddard 108 Lac La Belle 43 Ladies' Master 10, 12 Lady Elgin 21 Lady Franklin 37 Lady of the Lake 10, 31, 55 Lady Washington 15 Lafayette 84 Lake Copley 104 Lake Deval 104 Lake Govan 104 Lake Serpent 14, 30 Lakeside III 87 LaPetite 57 Laura D. 81 Lawrence 27 Leland 85 Leo 51 Leonard Hanna 37 Leopard 14 Lesco 111 Lewis Spannier 42 Lexington 47, 48 Liberty 54 Lilac 93 Limoges 108 Linden 54 Lizzie 81 Lorain 49 Lotta Bernard 84 Louis Davidson 109 Louisa Jenkins 61 M. I. Wilcox 68 M. P. Barkalow 29 M. R. Warner 68 Macedonia 30 Mackinac Islander 111 Mackinaw 107, 108 Magnetic 80 Maine 41 Maize 66 Major Oliver 66 Manistee 40 Marengo 55 Margaret Olwill 81 Maria 13, 66 Maria of Cuyahoga 13 Marie Antoinette 63 Marie Martin 44 Mariner 41 Marion W. Page 61 Mariska 93, 94 Mars 43, 85 Mary Abbott 61 Mary and John 86 Mary and Norman 83 Mary Ballard 41 Mary Jarecki 68 Mascot 87 Matoa 93 Maumee Valley 66 Maumee, 79 Maurice B. Grover 79 Mayflower 31 Mendota 36 Merchant 91 Mercury 85 Messenger 40, 67, 87 Metamora 40 Meteor 40 Miami 9, 41, 108 Miami Belle 67 Michael Groh 37 Michigan 41, 91 Middlesex 37 Milan 59 Milwaukee 38 132