Ogdensburgh Marine Railway
- Publication
- St. Lawrence Republican, 21 Dec 1853
- Full Text
- Ogdensburgh Marine Railway
___In the course of the past Summer a new Marine Railway, furnished with a steam engine, &c., for drawing out vessels, has been erected about a mile and a half above Ogdensburgh, on the American side of the river. We notice four steamboat have taken up their Winter quarters at at the docks of this Railway, viz: the Jenny Lind, the Niagara, the British Empire and the Queen. We do not know whether the Way are yet ready to receive vessels for repairing, but from the fact of the four steamers being there, we infer they are intended to be drawn out, overhauled, and repaired during the Winter. This Railway, when in operation, must be of essential advantage to the shipping on the river. - Prescott Telegraph Dec. 17.
Nearly all that is stated above by our Prescott contemporary is true. The only essential error being in distance. The Ogdensburg Marine Railway is about one mile from the center of this village. The work is almost completed, and is expected to be in readiness to haul out vessels in January. It is probably a better Railway than is to be found anywhere on the Lakes, having 30 feet of water at the end of the docks.
A 50 horsepower steam engine has been put up for the use of the Company, and everything connected with the Railway is of a substantial and enduring character. Some idea of the establishment may be fired when it is known that 200,000 feet of timber was used in constructing the piers and docks. This work, when in operation, will add materially to the business of our village, and from its favorable location and unsurpassed facilities, will be sought by our river and lake marine, by every description of vessels requiring repairs.
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 21 Dec 1853
- Subject(s)
- Corporate Name(s)
- Ogdensburgh Marine Railway
- Collection
- Richard Palmer
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
New York, United States
Latitude: 44.6941689854801 Longitude: -75.5055231588745
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- Contact
- Maritime History of the Great LakesEmail:walter@maritimehistoryofthegreatlakes.ca