NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8-86) Wisconsin Word Processing Format (Approved 3/87) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Schooner-Barge NOQUEBAY Town of La Pointe Section 7 Page 6 Ashland County, Wi. of some vessel sections. Ice shelving has also recently damaged portions of the wheel. No salvage, aside from the recovery of lumber in 1905, has been documented for the NOQUEBAY. It is likely that this salvage also removed the anchors and other large elements from the wreck. The ship's bell was removed by the National Park Service in 1985. In comparison to other vessels, little vandalism and theft has occurred at the NOQUEBAY. Extensive monitoring of the site by National Park Service rangers has documented a low but persistent level of theft of the smaller, portable artifacts at the site. This monitoring has no doubt aided in decreasing the amount of theft from the site.