NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8-86) Wisconsin Word Processing Format (Approved 3/87) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Schooner-barge PRETORIA Section 7 Page 4 Ashland County, WI The transverse ceiling stops at the turn of the bilge, and is replaced by longitudinal ceiling. Three thickstrakes, each measuring 9 inches wide by 7% inches in thickness, are fastened at the inside of the turn. Above the turn, the longitudinal ceiling measures 11 inches in width by 4 to 6 inches in thickness. It is edge-joined with 1-inch iron bolts, and fastened to the frames with %-inch iron bolts peened over 1 7/8-inch clinch rings. The exterior planking on the hull measures 5 inches thick at the turn of the bilge, and 4% inches above the turn, varying between 8% and 10% inches in width. It is fastened with %-inch iron bolts with peened heads at the turn. At the sheer, edge-joined exterior planking was observed, fastened with 7/8-inch iron bolts. Between the former hatchways, the keelson was fitted with steps for vertical hold stanchions. The sides of the step consist of 5-inch wide stringers set upon either side of the stanchions to support their bases. The stanchions, rectangular in cross-section, measure 7 by 7% inches, and are each fastened at their base with an iron bolt cross-fastened through the stringers. The stanchions were spaced between 7 and 19 inches, with most stanchions on a 13 to 16- inch spacing. Portions of the iron ore cargo still adhere to areas of the bilge, with concentrations at the forward end of the hull on the bilge's port side. Some ore is also scattered off site, in the vicinity of the wreck. The hull's port and starboard sides are broken off at the turn of the bilge, and flank the main portion of the wreck. The portside lies alongside the bilge, inboard up, with the stempost and forward cant frames still attached to the bow. An inverted portion of the Pretoria's foredeck, containing the ship's steam-driven anchor windlass, lies atop the port bow section. The starboard side lies outboard up, and partially overlaps the starboard turn of the bilge. The Pretoria's massive stem, 32 feet 9 inches in length, dominates the forward end of the wreck. The step now lies flat on the bottom, articulated to the port side and cant frames. Ten double timbered sets of cant frames are placed aft of the stem. These measure 5% to 6 inches sided by 13 inches molded at the deadwood,