NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8-86) Wisconsin Word Processing Format (Approved 3/87) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Schooner-barge Pretoria Section _9 Page 20 Ashland County, WI Channing, Edward., and Marion Florence Lansing 1909 The Story of the Great Lakes. MacMillan, New York. Clark, John G. 1966 The Grain Trade in the Old Northwest. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Cooper, David J. (editor) 1991 By Fire, Storm, and Ice: Underwater Archeological Investigations in the Apostle Island. Office of the State Archeologist, Technical Publication No. 3. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. Cooper, David J. and John O. Jensen 1992 Survey of Submerged Cultural Resources: Selected Sites in Lakes Michigan and Superior: A Report on the 1991 Field Season.i Unpublished report on file, Division of Historic Preservation, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. Cooper, David J. and John O. Jensen 1993 Davidson's Goliaths: Historical Archeological Investigations of the Steamer Frank O'Connor and the Schooner-Barge Pretoria. Unpublished report on file, Division of Historic Preservation, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. Cooper, David J. and Paul P. Kriesa 1992 Great Lakes Shipwrecks of Wisconsin. National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form. Unpublished manuscript on file, Division of Historic Preservation, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Davidson, James E. 1948 Early Shipbuilding in the Saginaw Valiev. Ms. provided by Ralph K. Roberts, Saginaw. On file, Division of Historic Preservation, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison.