TELESCOPE Volume 2. number 1. February _1953 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY MEETING The January meeting of the Great Lakes Model Ship builders' Guild was called to order by President Robert L. Ruhl, at 7: 50 P. M., January 30, in the Briefing Room of the Detroit Historical Museum, Woodward at Kirby. After a few brief comments by the President the meet ing was turned over to the Chairman of the Board of Direc tors, Capt. J. E. Johnston. Dues that had been turned in to the Chairman were turned over to the Treasurer, with the comment that those paid after October 1, last, by new members would cover membership for the current year. The letter of resignation by Vice President Emmet Priestley, was read and acted upon as follows: In accepting the re signation it was decided by unanimous vote of the members present that in the case of V. P. Priestley, who has en listed in the armed forces of the U. S., and in similar cases in the future, where membership in the Guild has been held for twelve months or more, it will be carried on the roll for the duration of the member's military service, without the payment of dues. Mr. Priestley's dues, which had already been paid were turned over to President Ruhl, to be returned, with a letter of thanks for services rendered by the retiring Vice President during his term of office. The best wishes of all pre sent at the meeting are extended him who has given the Guild its first blue star member. Nominations were requested for a successor to Priestley, and the president and the Chairman were asked to serve in an advisory capacity in the matter, and to report at the February meeting. President Ruhl made a brief talk on the necessity of incorporating, and Capt. Johnston suggested revising the Constitution and By-Laws so they would more nearly meet the requirements of the Guild.