Capt. Johnston reported on the progress made with the Guild stationery order, stating that difficulty in getting a suitable design for the Guild emblem had de layed the placing of the order. A design for a Guild flag, discussed at an earlier meeting, was submitted by Mr. A. H. Koeppner, and ap proved by the members, without a dissenting vote. All business being concluded, Capt. Johnston introduced the speaker of the evening, fellow member Arthur G. Henning, who gave a most interesting account of his recent trip along the Atlantic Coast, from Massachu setts to Virginia, visiting many maritime museums, and dealers in model supplies. Framed photographs of a number of fine models were displayed. The talk was a real contribution to the program of the Guild. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P. M. THE GUILD FLAG The design submitted by Mr. Koeppner for a Guild flag features a blue field, bordered by a rope of gold. In the center is a yellow disc bearing the name of the organization in a circle around the seal of the City of Detroit as used at the 250th Anniversary Festival. Below this is a modern Great Lakes ore ship, and in the upper corners a canoe to the left and a 3-mast schooner to the right. The colors are well-chosen and placed, mak ing a flag that would stand out in any group. The next step will be getting someone who will sew the flag for us. Can you find a volunteer for the job? MEMBERSHIP DUES Dues for the year 1953 are payable to the Secretary-Treasurer Robt. H. Davison, 404 W. Lewiston, Ferndale 20, Michigan. Let's make this a bigger year than 1952.