TELESCOPE G r e a t La k e s M o d e l Sh ip b u il d e r s ' G u il d B E L L E I S L E D E T R O I T 7 . M I C H I G A N Vol. 2 APRIL 1953 No. 4 MINUTES OP THE APRIL MEETING The April meeting of the Great Lakes Model Shipbuilders Guild, was called to order in the Briefing Room of the Detroit Historical Museum by President Robert L. Ruhl, at 8: 20 P. M., April 24, 1953. President Ruhl announced that all information needed for incorpo rating the Guild was in the hands of the attorney and action could be at once. He also stated that those who wished to obtain engraved brass name plates for their models should contact him, as he had located a firm which would make them at a reasonable price. After reading an announcement of the Detroit Historical Society's Patriotic Ball, The President called upon Captain Johnston for a report from the Advisory Committee. Captain Johnston commented upon the interesting and valuable infor mation contained in the Dutch book on model building r e c e n t l y loaned the museum by Mr. Arthur Henning. Through this book, the oldest model in the museum collection was identified as the "Prince Willem", of 1650. He also announced that the Museum of Great Lakes History was extending invitations to all mariners who visit Detroit in European steamers, to come aboard the schooner "J. T. Wing", free of charge. Additional designs for the Guild Flag were submitted for approval. No choice was made. More designs for a reversible center-piece were called for. Capt'n Johnston also made mention of a letter of inquiry received from a Belgian model society, which indicates that news of the Guild is spreading. Volunteers were called for, to form a committee to take measurements and detail shots of the steamer Put-in-Bay. Five members responded. Due to a full September schedule it was decided that the 1953 model show would be opened on August 24, on the schooner "J. T. Wing".