THE SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION At the April meeting it was agreed that the Second Annual Exhibition of the Great Lakes Model Shipbuilders's Guild would be held on board the schooner "J. T. Wing" on August 24, 25, 1953. The various committees should be appointed at the May meeting, so that publicity be ample, and in time. Among the committees required are: Publicity Ticket Sales Judges Display Entries Mr. Lincoln has intimated that he is willing to again serve as Chief Judge, and maybe we can be lucky again and have Miss Mary Georgilas in our comer. Some of the members have stated that they will have glass cases for their models during the exhibit. This is a very good idea and Capt'n Johnston offers his help in the making of such cases. We all know how much time and effort goes into repairs. A good case can be made in less time than most people think. The main thing Is to get the work started in time so It will be out of the way before other details of the exhibition make demands on your time. A considerable sum may be saved by pooling orders for glass, since dealers charge for the entire sheet ; of glass they have to cut in order to get the size for your specific needs. Something may be gained by standardizing sizes when the models are of approximately the same dimensions. The museum has worked out a combination display and shipping case which may appeal to some of the members. The model of the "Lucia Simpson" came from New Jersey in the shipping section on one of these, and arrived in perfect condition. If you decide to use individual cases it might be well to use the brass label plates mentioned by Mr. Ruhl. They will put an end to your label troubles, for all time. Bring in your case requirements at the May meeting, with scale drawings, and we can get to work on the problem at an early date.