TELESCOPE G r e a t La k e s M o d e l Sh ip b u il d e r s ' G u il d BE L L E ISLE D E T R O IT 7 . M IC H I G A N 1 . 2 June 1953 No. 6 ANNOUNCING THE SECOND a n n u a l MODEL SHIP EXHIBITION On August 24-- 25 the Great Lakes Model Shipbuilders' Guild will hold i ts second annual Model Ship Exhibi tion at the Museum of Great Lakes History, in the three mast schooner "J. T. WING", Belle Isle, Detroit. For the benefit of students of maritime history in this vast area of fresh-water lakes we submit the following pertinent information. THE GUILD This organization is composed of builders of model ships of all types who give special emphasis to the Great Lakes scene. Their work in volves extensive research, technical, as well as historical, the perfection of plans, and long, patient, con struction. During its two years of existence the Guild has worked in close coop eration with the Museum. Many of the models of Great Lakes ships now in cluded in the exhibits are from the private shops of the members. THE TELESCOPE A little more than a year ago this little publication began as a single sheet, intended as a means of keeping out-- of-- town members informed on meetings which they were unable to attend. This number (June 1953) will have a circulation of more than 1000 exclusive of the many libraries and museums to which it goes. There is an increasing demand for single copies, at 15, and subscriptions, at $1.50 per year, are growing in number. While m o s t of the copies are mailed to Michigan addresses, some go much farther. Readers in Ohio, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia, California, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Washington, D. C., Massachusetts, Connecticut, and West Germany receive it regularly. From eight to twelve pages go into regular numbers. Advertisements, as such, have not been taken, to date, but very effec tive publicity is given to those in dividuals and firms who have helped with the cost of publishing. The success of the TELESCOPE depends upon such contributions. Featured in this magazine are "Museum Notes", which keep readers informed on recent happenings at the Museum of Great Lakes History: New accessions, new exhibits, new pro grams and projects, distinguished visitors, etc. "Tales of the SAND MERCHANT" are historical, as are Items under the heading "Jetsom and Flotsom". Model Builders discuss problems involved in the construct ion of Specific ships. A directory of Model Ships is printed as infor mation is received, and occasionally some verse on the Great Lakes scene is published. THE GUILD LIBRARY The Guild maintains its own col lection of nautical books, both ref erence and fiction. Additions to this collection are solicited. The fictional works help maintain the spirit, between projects, and the technical books are all valuable to the members at one time or another.