THE SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION This event will be divided into two sections; competitive and non- competitive. The competitive will be open to members of the Guild only. Since dues in the Guild are only $2 . 00 that is not a great obstacle. Entry forms may be had at the Museum of Great Lakes History where applications for membership are also accepted. To be eligible, models must be the work of the member in whose name they are entered, and may not have been the winner of First Prize in any section of a previous show. Entries must be at the Museum on Belle Isle not later than 9: 00 Monday, August 24, 1953. Owners of entries must sign a re lease from liability for loss or damage to their models. All models are to be left with the museum until the Monday follow ing the opening, and must be taken out not later than Tuesday, Septem- ber 1, 1953. Models entered in this exhibition can be of either ocean or Great Lakes vessels, of any period, and may be up to eight feet in length. Commercially built ships are not eligible for competition. There will be two classes, of two sections or divisions: Senior Class for contestants over 18 Yrs.; Junior Class for those under 18. Each class will be divided into steam, and sail divisions. Award ribbons will be given by the Guild. Trophies may be provid ed by firms or individuals. NON-COMPETITIVES These will be models loaned for the occasion. Size will be the only limitation. ADMISSION CHARGE To defray the cost of the show an admission charge of 25 will be made for visitors of all ages. Any surplus will go into the publishing fund of the Guild. This will give everyone a chance to see a fine maritime show, and at the same time contribute to the ad vancement of an important cultural activity that is benefiting the en tire Great Lakes region by preserv ing one of its greatest heritages. DO YOU REMEMBER WH E N - - - - - - 1 . The Museum of Great Lakes Hist ory was only a dream of a few hardy members of the Detroit Historical Society? 2. Its accessions consisted of a dozen objects and about thirty pho tographs? 3. The plant was an empty and un painted old schooner? 4. The staff consisted of one man? **DO YOU KNOW** 1. That it is now known on every continent in the world? 2 . Its accessions number in the thousands? 3. The schooner "J. T. WING" is a landmark, known to thousands, and is shown on several maps? 4. The present staff Is inadequate to the needs? (There are six staff members. ) 5. Its collection of authentic scale models of Great Lakes Ships is the largest In the world? 6 . It owns the largest collection of plans of historic Lakes vessels? 7. Its information file covers more than 6, 000 Lakes vessels? 8 . It houses the largest collection of builders' half-models of Lakes craft? 9. It has the largest public col lection of paintings of Lakes ships done by contemporary artists of inter national reputation? 10. The museum files hold about 300 fine photographs of old Lakes ships and new ones? 11. The museum's collection of anchors include all of the major types used since 1492? 12. It owns five full-size small craft peculiar to the Lakes? 13. At the end of the fourth season, (27 months) there have been a quarter of a million visitors; receipts for admissions practically equal the cost of establishing the museum? 14. Within the past twelve months the museum has featured in 7 T-V shows; appeared in the press 18 times in other mediums 5 times; participat ed in 11 comm unity programs; supplied lecturers 8 times; been host to 9 local club and society meetings, and increased its file of ship plans by nine. Five additional ship models have been acquired or built.