J.E. Johnston, Editor: yeleatapt PUBLISHED BY Great Lakes Model Shipbuilders' Guild R. H, Davison, Associate Editor BILL! I 3 LI DETROIT 7. MICHIGAN Supported in part by the Detroit Historical Society. GUILD OFFICERS ******* Robert H.Davison,President John F.Miller,Vice President. J.E.Johnston,Secretary-Treas• DIRECTORS. Robert L.Ruhl,..........Detroit. John K.Helgesen.........Detroit. Frank Slyker East Detroit. Walter Massey,LaSalle,Ontario. Published in U.S.A. All rights reserved Membership in the Guild...............$3*00 (Including TELESCOPE) SUBSCRIPTIONS Domestic rates $2.50: Foreign rates $3.00 Single copies 25£ Available back numbers:1952-53-5^> 20£ Later back numbers..................... 25^ Leo M.Flegler,Windsor,Ontario. Don Chown,.............Detroit. THE GUILD Organized in 1952 to locate, acquire, and preserve information and objects related to the history of shipping on the Great Lakes and to make same available to the public through the Museum of Great lakes History and the columns of TELESCOPE. The construction of authentic scale models of Great Lakes ships is one of the prime objectives of the organization,which has brought into being the largest existing collection of models of these ships. The Museum of Great Lakes History, located on the shore of Belle Isle, in Detroit,is official headquarters for the organization and the repository of all of its holdings. The Guild is incorporated as an organization for no profit under the laws of the State of Michigan. No member receives any compensation for his services. DONATIONS Under a recent decision of the U.S.Department of Internal Revenue the Great Lakes Model Shipbuilders* Guild may receive donations which are deductible for income tax purposes. MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS are urged to contribute for publication in TELESCOPE any pictures and stories they may have which will help us tell the story which we believe is as thrilling, and as important, as any on the American scene. Particularly welcome are old line drawings. Harbors, ships, port facilities, and shore line scenes can be used if they are identified. Photographs, to be useable must be glossy prints or have considerable contrast. Write stories you know to be true and don*t worry about style. If necessary, we can re-write them. What we want is the fact, Mam,--and Mister.