J.E. Johnston, Editor: Membership $3.00 R. H. Davison, Associate Editor PUBLISHED BY Great Lakes Model Shipbuilders' Guild BELLE ISLE DETROIT 7, MICHIGAN Subscription $2.50 Supported in part by the Detroit Historical Society. EDITORIAL NOW IS THE TIME ... now is the time, to take steps to preserve an important part of our great American heritage. New England has its Peabody Museum, in Salem; a fine whaling museum at New Bedford; and a restoration of a whole historic seaport at Mystic,Connecticut.They are monuments to the the men who, in the past, made their communities great. On down the Atlantic Coast, as far as Newport News, Virginia, maritime museums, long ago established, are a perpetual reminder of America s past and present achievements on the seas of the world. No one who has visited one or more of them will deny that a greater appreciation of America and its free institutions followed that experience. We of the Great Lakes region shall regret our failure to take advantage of the present opportunity to devel-ope into a permanent maritime museum the very creditable collection which has been brought together in the old wooden, and therefore obviously temporary, sailing ship "J.T.Wing",last of her kind on these waters. On the other hand we may take much pride in being the ones who, by taking action at the right time, and in the proper manner, have preserved an important cultural asset. Now is the time to act. The period of usefulness of the schooner "Wing" is drawing to a close. There will be no advantage in waiting until it is necessary to move the exhibits into another temporary home, even if one should be available when needed. The cost of moving a second time will be a needless expense, running into the thousands when loss of revenue^hauling costs, and extra help is included. Everyone can help with this unique and worth while project,acting as an individual, or through whatever organization they are affiliated with. If you feel that you would like to have a part in preserving the fascination history of water transportation on the Great Lakes and their tributaries, just drop a line to the Secretary of the Guild, stating your name and address, your line of business, or occupation, and list all of the organizations in which you hold membership. You will be supplied at once with suggestions as to how you may help. With each suggestion there will be an explanation of how advantages to your own community will result from its participation. If you live in the Great Lakes region this is your museum. THE GUILD ORGANIZED IN 1952 TO LOCATE. ACQUIRE. AND PRESERVE INFORMATION AND OBJECTS RELATED TO THE HISTORY OF SHIPPING ON THE GREAT LAKES AND TO MAKE SAME AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC THROUGH THE MUSEUM OF GREAT LAKES HISTORY AND THE COLUMNS OF TELESCOPE. THE CONSTRUCTION OF AUTHENTIC SCALE MODELS OF GREAT LAKES SHIPS IS ONE OF THE PRIME OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION. WHICH HAS BROUGHT INTO BEING THE LARGEST EXISTING COLLECTION OF MODELS OF THESE SHIPS. THE MUSEUM OF GREAT LAKES HISTORY. LOCATED ON THE SHORE OF BELLE ISLE. IN DETROIT. IS OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND THE REPOSITORY OF ALL OF ITS HOLDINGS. THE GUILD IS INCORPORATED AS AN ORGANIZATION FOR NO PROFIT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. NO MEMBER RECEIVES ANY COMPENSATION FOR HIS SERVICES. DONATIONS TO THE GUILD ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR TAX INCOME PURPOSES. OFFICERS Robert H.Davison,••••President. John F.Miller,•••Vice President. Joseph E.Johnston,Sec-Treas. DIRECTORS £*?uh1'..........Detroit. Walter Massey,..LaSalle,Ontario. John K. Helge sen, Detroit. Leo M.Flagler, • .Windsor. Ontario. Frank Slyker,••••.East Detroit. Donn Chown,•••••••••....Detroit.