E. JOHNSTON, Editor: ^UBLISHCO BY Great Lakes Model Shipbuilders' Guild 5401 Woodward Avenue Detroit 2, Michigan R. H. DAVISON, Associate_Editor Membership $3.00 Subscription $2.50 Supported in part by the Detroit Historical Society EDITORIAL Due to conflicting dates we have decided to postpone the Guild convention until Friday,October 12. Too many of our members have notified us that other organizations to which they belong have scheduled events for October 5th and 6th, or very close there to, for us to expect a large attendance on those days. The date for the Guild convention, as stated above has the approval of everyone so far heard from on the matter. You will receive further information from time to time. Be sure to watch for loose sheets in Telescope, containing details of the program as they are worked out. Incidently, have you any suggestions on that subject? If so send them in* We wish to have everyone feel that this is their convention. Don»t delay. The program is shaping up fast. So----- C o o o If you want to see the following items be in Detroit for the 195.6 convention. (1) The largest col- lection of authentic scale models of Lakes vessels. (2) The most complete model shop in any museum in America.(3) The only file of plans of Lakes vessels available to model shipbuilders. (ij.) The largest public collection of oil paintings of old Lakes vessel's. (5) The largest showing of old prints of the same. (6) The only public drafting room devoted solely to naval architecture, and many other worthwhile features. Please let us hear from you NOW. REMEMBERJ The guild is an association devoted to both Great Lakes maritime history, and the craft of model ship building. We locate, acquire, preserve, exhibit, and interpret Great Lakes objects and documents. Members are serious, adult, workers in this field. Organized in 1952 to locate, acquire, and preserve information and objects related to the history of shipping on the Great Lakes and to make same available to the public through the Museum of Great Lakes History and the columns of Telescope. The construction of authentic scale models of Great Lakes ships is one of the prime objectives of the organization, which has brought into being the largest existing collection of models of these ships. The Museum of Great lakes History, located at 5401 Woodward Avenue, Detroit 2, Michigan, is official headquarters for the organization and the repository of all of its holdings. The Guild is incorporated as an organization for no profit under the laws of the State of Michigan. No member receives any compensation for his services. Donations to the Guild are Deductible for tax income purposes. OFFICERS Robert L.Ruhl,.....President John K.Helgesen,Sr Vice President Joseph E.Johnston, Secy-Treas. DIRECTORS Robert II.Davison.Ferndale. Walter Massey....LaSalle, Ontario. John F.Miller.... Grosse Pointe • Leo M.Flagler........ Windsor.Ontario • Carl G.Ammon. Detroit. Wm.N.Stevens...Detroit.