Telescope 127 the holes C. When the two plates have been secured together, a small shoulder fi Is formed by the bottom of the plate A around the holes C, as will be seen In Figure 2. After the dead-lights have been placed in position in the plates, cement d is placed in the hole C, so as to tightly surround the dead-lights. As soon as this cement sets or becomes hardened, it will hold the dead-light firmly in position, owing to the fact that the dead-lights are larger at their lower end than at the top* The cement itself will be held in place, owing to the fact that it engages beneath the small shoulder a. Ho. 489,913. A. McDOUGALL. diuihr. a.McDougall. WRECKING BOAT. No. 488,574. Patented Dec. 27, 1892. M y invention relates to...a vessel used in raising sunken wrecks, removing rocks, snags, etc. I propose to take one of the improved tow-boats or steam tow-boats, invented by me, and place a number of heavy metal pipes, arranged vertically therein, in line with each other and extending from the extreme bottom to the extreme top of the boat. These pipes will not interfere in any way with the carrying capacity of the boat so that it may be used for carrying freight and for towing other boats when not engaged in wrecking. Two of these vessels will be moved to the scene of the wreck and will be placed on each side of the sunken boat and parallel therewith. A very heavy chain will then be passed down through each vertical pipe and is to be firmly secured at its upper end. These chains are now passed under the sunken vessel by divers or by other means, and the chains from one wrecking boat are secured to the chains of the other wrecking boat. Water is now pumped into the water bottom and tanks of each wrecking vessel, or into the hull of each vessel so as to submerge each boat to the proper level which will slack up the chains. This slack is now taken up so as to make the chains taut and the water