It is indeed a pleasure to be able to report that the Museum's attendance continues to set records. With the February figure, now a part of that record, we can report a grand total since opening of 115,930 visitors! Also, accessions are keeping pace with attendance to the point that this office is hard-pressed to keep pace with the necessary paper work. This is an overburden that we are very happy to be able to "suffer". Among gifts received from Institute members in February was another Sprague painting.... a night view of the steamship C. F. BIELMAN, from William A. McDonald. Board member Captain Frank Becker donated two photographs, one framed.... and while on the subject of Frank, it was a pleasure to see the B. H. BECKER, and the G. F. BECKER bucking the ice upbound on Sunday, March 5. It was this team that threw the Museum its first salute of the 1961 season and as far as we're concerned, opened the season! Another gift has paved the way for an additional exhibit that is soon to be installed. This was a wireless transmitter and receiver, cl919, from Mr. John L. Booth. We are currently working on a plan for a typical early radio "shack" to be installed at the river end of the Museum. This gift from Mr. Booth came to us through our member, Edward H. Clark. The Museum received some exceptionally fine publicity in the February issue of SHIP-SHORE NEWS, publication of Upper Lakes Shipping, Ltd. It is a two-page center spread, well illustrated, and we want to go on record with an official thank you. We are also the proud owners of an Upper Lakes' houseflag, which joins the growing collection of these flags that will be flown during the season, and are now on display indoors. One of the most appreciated gifts is one most illusive of commensuration because you can't put a label on it saying, "donated by". This is the gift of countless, dedicated, hours of time being given regularly by Institute members to Museum projects. They will remain nameless here, because they wouldn't have it otherwise. But without them work that has already been completed would be years in the future. To these "donors" we owe a special Thank You! We are looking forward to the first meeting of the Model Forum group, which will be held in the Museum Building on the second Friday of each month under the direction of Ken Fairbanks. There is no way we can predict the acceptance of this idea at this writing, but from the inquiries we are getting, it would appear that a good deal of interest exists. Certainly, if the number of blue prints that we've sold, at the Museum, is an indication of the interested model builders, the program should be a rousing success!