Telescope 13 U.S. Light Vessels No. 98 (LANSING) and No. 103 (RFC.LEF) together with the Lighthouse Tenders HYACINTH "(left) and SUTiAC, in winter quarters at Milwaukee. 2. Southeast Shoals (East of Point Pelee, Lake Erie) Schooner SMITH and POST (up to 1901) S chooner EEWAUNEE (1901-1910) Canadian Light Vessel No. 18'(1910-1929) Replaced by Southeast Shoals Lighthouse (Canadian), 1929. 3. Colchester Reef (Essex County, Ont.ario, midway between Detroit River and Point Pelee ) Schooner WAVE (186)3 ) and apparently others until the Eighties or later. Replaced by Colchester Reef Lighthouse (Canadian). Point Shoal (Lake Erie, Mouth of Detroit River) Schooner LOUTS McLEAN (Very early) U.S. Light Vessel No. 59 (1893-1911) U.S. Light Vessel No. 62 (1912-1921) Replaced by the Livingstone Channel buoy system, 1922. - • Lirriekiin Crossinr South (Lover Detroit. River) U.S. Light Vessel No. 6)(. (1893-1911) Same vessel operated by Canadian Govt, until I9I3, Replaced by buoys and land markers. 8. Limekiln Crossing North (Lower Detroit River) U.S. Light Vessel No. 65 (1893-1910) Same vessel operated by Canadian Govt, until 1CI3* Replaced by buoys and land markers. 7. Ballard Ms Reef (Lower Detroit River) U.S. Light Vessel No. 63' (io93-c.lV00) Replaced by lighthouse.