-174- Telescope - August - Meeting: Notices business meeting of the Board of Directors will be Friday night, Aug, 23, 8 p.m., at Dossin Museum. General membership is welcome. GENERAL MEETING: Carlis J. Stettin, Executive Director of the Port of Detroit Commission, will be our speaker. Friday night, Sept. 27, at 8 p.m., at Dossin Museum. __________________ _______ In This Issue: COVERS--Front: Dan Weber's steam launch SILVER STAR is seen in a stern view, with Richard Cordo (left) and Chief Engineer John Schmitt. Back: This line drawing of D&C ' s CITY OF DETROIT of 1889 (later CITY OF DETROIT II and GOODTIME) is by Father Dowling, and forms a light blue background to the Institute's stationery. Steam Launch SILVER STAR, by Dan Mi, Weber 175 The Oakes Fleets, by the Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S J. .»».».. 177 Two Lake Michigan Fleets--Grawford Transportation Co. & Indiana Transportation Co., by the Rev. Edward J„ Bowling, S. J a ,, „ - 180 Curator ' s Corner , by Robert Euae Blueprint: Canaller STEELVENDOR ...o...-, - >-84 The Big Splash: ALFRED MITCHELL, by William A. McDonald ....... 186 Great Lakes Marine News, edited by Robert Radunz 137 Grand Salon: JESSE .JAMES, by William A0 Hoey 0o.c=>».188 Picture Pages, by Emory A. Massman, Jr......................... 194 The Great Lakes Maritime Institute President, Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S. J.; Vice-president, Captain William J. Cowles; Coordinating Director, Robert E. Lee; Recording Secretary, Donald V. Baut; Treasurer, James C. McDonald; Directors, Captain Frank Becker, Henry D„ Brown, Gordon Bugbee, Robert H* Davison, Kenneth L. Fairbanks, William A. Hoey, William LaBonville, Emory A„ Massman, Jr., William A. Moss, Robert Radunz, Don Richards, Otto Strek, and William M. Worden.________________________________________________________ Telescope Editor: Gordon Bugbee Fleet List Editor: the Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S. J. Picture Page Editor: Emory A. Massman, Jr. Associate Editors: William A„ Hoey, Robert E. Lee, Otto Strek GREAT LAKES MARINE NEWS Editor: Robert Radunz Assistant Editor: Ed Andrews Photographs: William A. Hoey Correspondents: George Ayoub, Fred W„ Dutton, Edwin Sprengeler, Otto Strek, Dan M. Weber, Peter B. Worden, Richard J. Wright