In our last issue we presented drawings of the Wyandotte Transportation Company seIf-unloader Alpena as she appeared in 1909 when new. For the second of the two parts of this series we examine comparative longitudinal sections of the Wyandotte fleet's two first self-unloaders, Alpena and the first Wyandotte (of 1908). Remember, however, that the two drawings are not in the same scale. Notice the diminutive se1f-unloading booms of both vessels, long since replaced by longer booms. Notice also that Wyandotte's original boom was about amidships, with hatches both forward and aft of it. Her present boom moved up to the conventional position just aft of the pilot house. An outboard profile of Wyandotte appears on our back cover. These drawings are from the Marine Review of November, 1909. Longitudinal Section Steamer Alpena. -Longitudinal Section Steamer Wyandotte. ALPENA and WYANDOTTE in Sections