JANUARY PAGE 6 fa ¢ ® Richardson 2 Paine & © t \ a \ < \ 3 ta = & ® & ~ a Pp 3 ° na Paine's Maneuver During the night of December 8th, the steamer W. C. RICHARDSON also bound for Buffalo with 6,200 tons of flaxseed, attempted to round to off Point Abino to await the blowing out of the gale, and in doing so shifted her cargo. The seas broke over her and filled her enging rooms leaving her helpless. In this condition she drifted down the lake settling by the stern and finally grounded in 30 feet of water. Her position being about a mile off the breakwater, and perhaps one and a half miles off the leeward of the PAINE. At this time seas were breaking all over her and her crew had found shelter in the forward quarters. Captain Detlefs of the PAINE resolved to make an effort at rescue. There was imminent danger to his own ship and his crew in the effort to go to the leeward of the RICHARDSON because of the heavy seas and the strong currents setting to- wards the head of the Niagara River, and the proximity of the breakwall. Captain Detlefs therefore hove up one anchor and allowed his ship to drift until she was somewhat to leeward of the RICHARDSON, as indi- cated in the diagram. Then giving both anchors 50 fathoms of chain he drove his engines at full speed ahead, dragging both anchors and heading for the RICHARDSON's bow. When he had approached within a few feet, a ladder was thrown aboard the RICHARDSON, and all hands were taken off. At times it was necessary to put heaving lines on some of the crew and pull them aboard the PAINE. By this maneuver he retained full control of his own ship at every instant, while always heading wind- ward. If he had attempted to bring her around with only the wheel, he would have most certainly wrecked his own ship. It was a _ beautiful piece of work, well planned and ex- ecuted under conditions of weather and locality as bad as they could be. The PAINE came out of the ad- venture with only a slightly twisted stem which was caused by the two Ships rolling together. In the case of the PAINE there was grave person-