MAY - JUNE Page 98 ALBANY curred and had not time to get his clothes on, Captain Huff of the PHILADELPHIA and First Mate George Drury of the ALBANY have gone to Tawas to ident- ify the dead bodies. Detroit, Michigan, November 8, 1893...0ne of the victims of the ALBANY=PHILADELPHIA wreck was a Detroit man. John W. Hunt, who was a pilot and had followed the life of a sailor for 17 years, lived at 328 Monroe Ave., in Detroit. He left only a short while ago to take a place on the propellor PHILADEL- PHIA and his wife expected him home last night. He was thirty - four years old and besides his wife he leaves a 2; year old child. Mrs, Hunt says her husband shipped as first mate of the PHILADELPHIA. East Tawas, Michigan, November 8, 1893...0wing to the horrible muti- lation of many of the bodies of the ALBANY -PHILADELPHIA collision it is now believed that the lifeboat con- McDonald Collection taining the 24 members of the com- bined crews was run down by some passing steamer. No sea was running from the time the life boats left the sinking PHILADELPHIA until the eleven bodies were picked up by the life saving crew from Pointe aux Barques Station and yet the skulls of the victims were crushed and al] were more or less bruised. Chicago, Illinois, November 8, 1893...The shippers of the flour on the lost steamer PHILADELPHIA were the W. Carrol Company of LaCrosse, Wisconsin; the Globe Milling Com- pany of Waterdown; Wiley & Company of Appleton; and the Star and Cres- cent Mills of Chicago. the ALBANY...not Line, but of the Western Transit Line, carrying a cargo of flour having some bags conceivably decorated with a red Star and a green crescent, since it was shipped by the Star and Crese cent Mills, actually did sink 'away out in deep water,' So...a steamer, of the Anchor