MARCH - APRIL PAGE 28 From the start, ships op thesP loneeci aimee GecakinicG titer fant |= jar white "H" of their managers, Hutchinson & Company, on their stacks. The first ship to be built ™ fom thee Peneen = icc awas, Ene 5,700-ton J. T. Hutchinson in 1901. She was followed between 1904 and 1910 by "six new Carriers, Ge MARIN: MUECER.. JOHN STANTON, WILLIAM A. PAINE, D. R. HANNA, JOHN A. MCGEAN and A.A, AUGUSTUS. Three -more, "Shims, tne ch se ssUm ev Ne aA Oe umE ee aNtyE (be W. D. CALVERLEY Jr Qeand the smalem cers PhC ee were prin = chased from other owners between 1908 and 1911. The fabled Great Stopm of 1913" fadiats tolt fon Ene Pioneer Fleet, when the company suffered tsefirst total lless, tne five year ole JCHN A, McaEAN, which vanished with twenty-three crew members on Lake Huron during the late hours of November 9th or the early hours of the 10th. The "steamer J. i. HUneHINSON was heavily damaged when she ran aground in whitefish Bay. A replacement for the McGEAN, the JG@Seer G. menlen. ie. (be DONALD 8. GILLIES), was aquired in 1914 from another Hutchinson Company, and in 1915 the old comnosite-hulled E. M, PECK was disposed of. In 1916 the company's growth continued at a tremendous rate with the acquisistion of nine carriers from other owners. The three 9,050-ton Sister ships 2.2 PIER Ce (em Cee. | ein S. MANUAL), F. R: HAZARD (a. GNTARIC, CY J1MES bo peeeioy. and FRANK SILLINGS (a. CHAMPLAIN) were purchased from the Northern Lakes Steamship Comoany and the three 5,700-ton sister ships AMAZON, AUSTRALIA (b. S. B. COOLIDGE) and POLYNESIA (b. A.D. Mc BETH) from the Australia Transit Company. With the addition of the G. A. TOMLINSON, JAMES=P2 WALSH samc = Ri eE MCKINNEY, pur- chased from various other owners, the Pioneer fleet stood at a total of eighteen ships with a trip capacity of 150,850 tons. The company's second and final total loss occurred in 1919 when the D. 2, HANNA was involved in a collision with the M. 4. Hanna freighter QUINCY A, SHAW off Thunder 3ay Light on May 16. The HANNA's entire crew of thirty-two was taken off by a nearby fishing boat before she capsized and sank. In 1920 two more ships were purchased from the American-flag section of Canada Steamship Lines Ltd. These were the W. H. Mc- GEAN (a. STADACONA) and the company's first 600-footer, the CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON i (a. WILLIAM C. MOREEAND = be sR TREVOR DAWSON, d. GENE C. HUTCHINSON).