CURATORS CORNER by ROBERT E. LEE, Curator Dossin Great Lakes Museum This issue of Telescope completes Volume 18, and we sincere- ly hope you have been pleased with the effort. We could add, parenthetically, that we've received far more compliments than brickbats of late, and this helps to make the effort worth- while. The final compliment, of course, is your renewal of your membership, and we urge you to send in your dues as soon as possible. However, dont faliitinito sue biadmnabit tot al vow this one prime requirement of membership to be your only affiliation with» the Institute and3at «Ss propyamse= felescope, 10m instance, 1s your magazine. Realizing full well that not all members are writers, we can't expect all to contribute first-hand articles they have themselves written, but how about contributions of news items? When you see something published that you think will interest other members, don't assume that they'/1 see it anyway...clip it, send it in, and be sure they do. The same rule applies to articles you might read in old pub- [ieat tons. Of ten,-stnese watie aim eds unl eay anel abielaty 9to) "those fortunate enough to be able to visit libraries and collections and are denied all others. Telescope can provide the means of sharing such material with all of our membership, if you only take the trouble to make it available. So, you see, you, can ipmowider a valuable asisa sijance fo. tire edit oms off Welesicope, andi sy.oOl sdomnentenlawe = tio, Ine alta) ein tele writer, or an expert, to do so. All it takes is an eye for the things you enjoy reading and seeing. Chances are there are a good many other members who share your same interests, for, as a matter of fact, if they didn't they would not share the same membership in the Institute. The membership has been generous with its assistance during this past, year, and form ithus: we cave heart helt. thanks. Ali we ask- is that Some who may have felt athey have Itt le to offen will give the matter another thought. Perhaps there is more to offer than was at first realized. As we close the year, the staffs of the Museum, and of Tel- Eescope, jo1m to wish toy you and younsn aliot the best of tine Holiday Season, and may 1970 be your best year yet!