JULY AUGUST, 1970 Page 94 Membership Notes MEETING DATES There will be no general membership meeting in July. The September meeting, which would normally be held on the last Friday, will not be held on that date, and the September meeting will, instead, be DINNER WITH THE AUTHOR, which is scheduled for SEPTEMBER 11. This annual event will feature well known Great Lakes author, Dana Thomas Bowen. It will be held at the Harmonie Club, in Detroit, and full partic- ulars will be provided in a future special mailing to the members. BUT MARK THE DATE NOW...FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1970, and you'11 be ready to reserve when the mailing arrives. Business meetings of the. Board of Directors (all members are encouraged to attend these meetings) will be held at the Dossin Museum as follows: August 28, 1970 and October 30, 1970; both at 8:00 PM. MUSEUM NOTES The exhibit of the Dossin Museum collection of marine paintings at the Detroit Historical Museum continues through July 30th. The Historical Mus- eum' s Kresge Exhibit Hall, because of its size, offers a rare opportunity to show a major part of our painting collection in a singie show. If you plan to be tn the Detroit area during this show you should plan to see it. CONTENTS Membership notes; Meeting dates and Museum notes. 94 Fresh Water to Salt Skip Gillham 95 The Barrys of Wolf Island Edward N. Middieton 102 Great Lakes & Seaway News 108 Four Bits of Pure Nostalgia Wily) OUR COVER PHOTO... More nostalgia is provided in this view of PURITAN, submitted by Edward N. Middleton, from the collection of the MANISTEE County HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Puritan is shown here at the dock of the Stokoe & Nelson Mill, in Manistee, near the spot where she would burn to the waterline in January, 1896. Ed's prederence runs to the photo on page 119, but your editor thinks this one makes a good second, if not a tie. What say you?