MAY JUNE, 1971 Page 62 MEMBERSHIP NOTES With this issue, TELESCOPE presents a totally new cover design and leaves the long-familiar blue and white format, first adopted in 1963. We admit that the change was contemplated with mixed feelings. The old cover, like an old friend, has worn does not shuck off old friends lightly. But on the other hand, the means now exist that make it possible to do things we couldn't do in 1963. We think the graphics on the inside of TELESCOPE have improved greatly in recent years, and to go with that improvement we felt the contents deserved a new cover outlook. We hope you share our enthusiasm over the results. Either way, let us know what you think of the new look...REL. SH MEETING DATES The May meeting will be held on May week early to avoid Memorial Day weekend...and will feature Donald Baut with a slide program on the Salties on the Lakes. There will be no meeting in July, and the September meeting will be the Annual Dinner. Details in the next issue. Sh Business Meetingsof the Board of Directors (ali members are encouraged to attend these meetings) will be held at the Dossin Museum on June 18, and on August 27, both at 8:00 PM. The annual election of officers will take Byes at the June meeting. "4 CONTENTS Membership Notes, Meeting Dates, etc. 62 The Vanishing Canallers (continued feature) Kev. E. J. Dowling, Sj 63 Something Old...Something New! C. E. Stein 69 In The Belly of the Whale Eimer Engman 77 Biography of a Ship Barbara G. Green 83 Great Lakes & Seaway News 84 alee THIS MONTH'S COVER... Variously known throughout her brief existence as "Stubby," and Huli 101, which designation she bears in this photograph, the new jumbo has recently been given the name STEWART $. CORT. Mr. Cort was Vice President of Steel Operations, and a Director of Bethlehem Steel. Our photograph shows the CORT under construction at Erie, Pa., dwarfing even the large yard buildings, and making the cars in the foreground look insignificant by comparison. The photograph was taken for TELESCOPE by Mimeek. F. Schroeder, of Detroit. ne