TELESCOPE Page 157 Below right: First Engineer Joe Kennedy walking forward along the Catwalk. Also Shown) 1S) A--f rame that supports the rail for the travelling clam bucket used in unloading. Bettom right: Scene shows over- head flume, conducting water the length of the forward hopper, and vents at different intervals to permit level loading. To obtain differing grades of sand, screens are placed into the flume. Top left: Captain John Leonard conning the CHARLES DICK up the Cuyahoga River. (His big steam whistle that the engineer won't let him blow, may be seen lashed to the fail -on the Drudge deck.) Boutom lett.) ech Manas. pige= pare fo drop ene ship, end oheaneprnp pr ple Ir. solu, preparatory to digging. All photos by the author