SIP/OEW, L9Y7S Page 122 MEMBERSHIP NOTES In response to frequent inquiry and requests, and purely as an experiment to ascertain the validity of these requests, we have obtained a limited number of membership buttons on a trial order. The number available will supply less than 10% of the membership at this time. Members interested in getting one of these attractive buttons should send $2.00 to the Institute office with their request. We will fill orders until they run out, if they run out, and will then re-order when we are.sure the demand warrants a re-order. If you are interested, send your order in. If you do not receive your button within a few days it is because the stock ran out. We will hold your check until the stock is replenished and will immediately mail when that time comes. If demand does not werrant our re-ordering and we are unable to fill your request we will return your check. If we do re-order it will take about 90 days to fill your request. We are presently limiting requests to one button per member. MEETING NOTICES Members in the Detroit area should have received, before this is pub- lished, a special notice of the annual MEET THE AUTHOR dinner to be held at Harmonie Hall in Detroit on September 14. If you are not within the Detroit mailing area (ZIP codes 480, 481, and 482) and wish information we will be happy to send it upon receipt of a self-addressed envelope. The speaker will be Mr. Robert H. Burgess of the staff of Mariner's Museum. His talk will deal with Chesapeake Bay Steamboats and will be illustrated with an excellent selection of slides. Business meetings will be held October 26, which will be the last busi- ness meeting until January 4, 1974. The next entertainment meeting at the Museum will be held on November 30, and will feature slides by Hal Jackson. CONTENTS Membership Notes, Meeting Dates, etc. 122 A Little White Steamer Howard F.. Sprague 123 The Lakes Unique Gospel Ship Charles H. Truscott 132 Askin's Welcome Will Sail Again David A. Armour 139 Legal Lore; It Takes Two Robert I. Schellig, Jr.142 Great Lakes & Seaway News 143 Reproduction of any material used in Telescope is prohibited. All material will remain the property of the author and is protected under the author's Prior right. Permission must be obtained directly from the author for any reproduction rights and the Edito:s of Telescope will not grant such permission. OUR COVER PICTURE...Yanked along at the speed of the ship he is serving, the mail carrier stands confidently in his tiny rowboat making his mail delivery. The picture is from a DETROIT PUBLISH- ING CoMPANY postcard (no. 70303D) in the museum collections.