JAN/FEB. 1974 Page 2 MEMBERSHIP NOTES Once-upon-a-time you could have purchased a Calvert lithograph of the Champion and Tow, by Whipple, for two dollars. This writer remembers that time. In earlier years you probably could have obtained one as an outright gift, and they were originally distributed free with magazine subscription orders. The last one we saw advertised for sale had an asking price of $350.00, and higher prices have probably been paid. Other once-plentiful but now scarce lithographs and prints bring equally high prices. There is a lesson to be learned from all of this, which is the point that follows. Our cover, this issue, features a reproduction of Artist James Clary's new painting of the Tashmoo, recently commissioned by the St. Clair Inn, at St. Clair, Michigan. It is a truly beautiful painting, and our cover in its reduced size can't begin to do the original work justice. However, it does provide an idea of what we're talking about. To get back to the original point, Mr. Clary has published a limited edition of lithograph prints from the original painting, and they are su- perb reproductions, 24 x 30 inches. These are for sale, through the museum, at $35.00 per copy. Each print is numbered and signed by the AGtist. and purchasers of this edition will retain prior option to purchase the same numbered print from the planned future editions. Thus, a very attractive investment possibility exists for the purchaser, and past experience shows that the value of these limited edition prints can only go up. The term "while they last" is overworked indeed, but in this instance we feel the term has much merit. These prints will not last long because of their attractive price, and when the last one is sold...thats tite The Institute will accept orders by mail, or you may inspect the print at the museum. CONTENTS Membership notes, Contents, etc. D Neebish Island Rock Cut Richard J. Kruse 3 Shipbuilding Boom 6 Layup Mischief Robert E.. Johnson 7 Meeting Notices 7 Nautical Etymology G.. S.. Prentice 8 Legal Lore Robe le SGMOlIM Gy iit.) cb Great Lakes & Seaway News tS DETROIT AREA MEMBERS...MARK YOUR CALENDAR. On Sunday, March 10, the Annual Blessing of the Fleet and Memorial Service, sponsored under the joint aus- pices of Historic Mariners Church, and the Dossin Great Lakes Museum, will be held at the Mariners Church in Detroit's Civic Center. All Institute members who can are invited to attend this service at 11:00 A.M., March 10. MEETING NOTICES WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE 7 OF THIS ISSUE. MARK THE DATES NOW!