AN HE Be eu9i7e5 Page 2 MEMBERSHIP NOTES First things first: Harry Wolf thanks you, and we thank you, for the out- pouring of sympathy and support in response to our letter, sent with the last issue. We will give you a complete report later because, as this is written, it is too early to know the full response. It is nice to know the well as the quantity of concern among out members. Members will be interested to know that the Mackinac Island (Mich...) State Park Commission has reproduced member Karl Kuttruff's painting of the armed sloop Wefcome as a print, which is now available from the Commission. The print measures 18" x 184%" overall, and is reproduced in full color. This early vessel is being duplicated in full scale by the Commission as its Bi-Centennial project (See TeELEscope Vol. XXII; page 139.) and the paint- ing was commissioned in connection with that project. Prints may be obtain- ed from: Mackinac Island State Park Commission, 905-B Southland Drive; Lansing, MI 48926: Price of $2.50 includes 25¢ postage and packaging. i MEETING NOTICES Entertainment meetings are scheduled at the Dossin Museum, at 8 P.M., on the following dates: January 31; March 21; and May 30. Business meetings (...and we again urge all members to attend these meetings) will be held at the same place and time on: February 28; and April 25. CONTENTS Membership Notes, contents, etc. 2 Life 50?! Robert E..Lee 3 Incident in '94. Dennis L.. Noble 14 The Loss of Lightship No. 82. Patrick Murphy 16 Great Lakes and Seaway News Editors Weber and Gillham 22 Reproduction of any material used in Telescope is prohibited. All material will remain the property of the author and is protected under the author's prior right. Permission must be obtained directly from the author' for any reproduction rights and the Editors of Telescope will not grant such permission, except in the instance of museumeowned materials. OUR COVER PICTURE...The subject of this issue's lead article, the Henry Ford II, glides down the Fleming Channel of the Detroit River, approaching the Dossin Museum, in the first light of dawn, September 24, 1974. Photo is by Ruth Lee. a