Strength and Safety Naco' Steel Anchor Chain Cable has an ultimate strength 70% higher than ordinary 'commercial cable chain of the same _ wire. diameter. It - successfully: with-- stands shocks and strains that | entirely destroy the old type of anchor Chair Link and stud are cast in one solid piece and _ all links are exactly uniform in size and shape greatly increasing the ease of paying out and pulling in. Naco Steel Anchor Chain Cable, now in service under all conditions on the high seas and great lakes, has established new standards of safety for life and property. NATIONAL MALLEABLE AND STEEL CASTINGS CO. General Office: "level"nd, Ohio Sales Offices: New York, Phila- delphia, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco. Works: Cleveland, Indianapolis, Toledo, East St. Louis, IIl., Sharon, Pa., Melrose Park, ll. NATIONAL ELECTRIC @ NACO STEEL ANCHOR CHAIN CABLE