THE STANDARD BOILER TUBE CLEANER FOR OVER 30 YEARS Simple, rapid, effective--dislodges soot as well as scale--same tool for common and stay tubes--durable--inexpensive to maintain -- principle, vibration -- motive power, air or steam. **| have used your Dean Cleaner for a number of years and it would be hard to estimate its real value. Itis the only way I know to get scale off tubes and I have used all makes of compounds on the mar- ket."" Thus writes one enthusiastic Dean user. You are offered the trial of a Dean in one boiler without cost or obligation to purchase. Write for particulars. THE WM. B. PIERCE COMPANY 47 N. Division St., Buffalo, N. Y. When in Buffalo, 'phone Cleveland 6205 We will willingly demonstrate a Dean tn your boilers without charge or obligation. Vessel Fleet No. Grammer, G:. J...... 24 (GAM DIAN -ec.c..c.-. 550 21 (EPAINOY. Goss sic oc cocecde cee 38 Grand Haven ..:..:.... 125 Grand Island ......... 60 AICO: © s.ccccskdsc.cceees 291 Grand Rapids ........ ZS cami: EW... cs, 39 Grattan, W. -- S........ 82 Gravel King © ...2:...:. 344 ray, Ge Re. ........:. 187 Great Western ...... 105 Greater Buffalo........ 85 Greater Detroit ...... 85 Green, Andrew H. 127 Green, ©. HH. :.:.....::.. 283 Green, Fred W....... 313 Green River ............. 330 Greiling, Fred C.... 392 (Crenville 2:500.0:,;....- 230 Greyhound | 2..:......... 302 MNT Pees 166 SDE ME 403 Mea eel le 2. .2,.5...0.0. 293 Giwa-Goli:- kk. 218 frackett, Mi BE. :...:. 1384 WAP OATEY <6 vcisceic senses 38 ele Oni oo. ress 20sec sce 389 eee 267 Pall, "sessie . ok... 715 ial Mary EP. ...... 330 faliaday. Co 200 maliam Bros. ...:.:. 343 PramMgldoe 2.24... 270 PaGON! ©. oe. ccs cs ose 38 AIMONIC <5... os. 38 Tamay BOY <....6...62 164 amna, D. Be 4... oo ilahna, ir. HH: M. 261 eaiaya, 1a. ©. uo. ces 19 WAU os cise ens 131 ROW eo a ies ease sek 119 erriecrt, WD). .c.6.cs.cess 330 EVES OM 6255010205. seas 144 21 Vessel Fleet No. Harrison; C.. HH: ....314 Harrow, W. G. =... 316 Hart. Frank .W. (See Shasta) Hart; Judge' ....4..: 23 Hartwell, Fred G... 18 Flarvard: 2... 44: 131 Tear VaArd. eis 285 Harvester, The ...... 159 TIAIVCY 345 Tarvey. A. EK. oss. 285 Harvey, f.2 BE. 42... aT Hassayampa. ........::.. 127 HAStines] 202. 38 iatheld. de Ao: 285 Hausler, M.. Jr..:., 127 Hausler, M. G....... 35D Hazard. Wo Aw ns, A401 Miagels ee 56 Hebard.;C: So ce3. 399 Hebard. Do ia. uae. 109 Hector 2 oa ce. 39 Heiden, Charles .... 377 Helen So... 124 Prelm- Dit. 246 Ibemilock 2 Aj. 281 Hrenty.. Sir: o.c40..60a. 298 Mer ewes sissies 83 TA WALNS feces 289 ETO irc oeceseets 91 ida ee cae. 393 Mall, James. Ji..:...:. 285 Re Tae We eee 139 MincGkley: =... ccs. 148 Hobson, Robert ...... 281 Holcomb. Ra fy 2. 150 Holland, N.- C...-.. 21 Holley, Alexander.. 278 Hollis: Me one es Dis) Holloway, J. A. .... 23 Home Smith .......... 3 Hoosier State ........ 127 Houghten, Henry.... 327 Houghton, Douglas 285 House, Francis E. 285 a att ark