24 Wakefield Boiler Compound (Patented) Used successfully by 250 Steamers Kept in stock by the following firms. Duluth Marine Supply Co. Duluth, Minn. Indiana Harbor Marine Supply Co. indiana. --larbor, Ind. Hardy & Dischinger Toledo, O. EB. As Sperty Huron, O. Lorain Hardware Co. Morain, O: The McKinnon Iron Works Co. Ashtabula, O. The Rud Machine Co. Cleveland, O. A. H. Brebner & Son Erie, Pa. HS. Wriclit Bitalo, No. Y. E. E. Lawrence Jr. Fairport Harbor, O. Saefke & Nienow Co. Milwaukee, Wis. G. E. Bradwve, 3221 Ee.92nd St., Chicago, Ill. Pittsouren ss, 5. Co. Conneaut, O. Wakefield Boiler Compound Co., Inc. Factory and Office 667-669 Oakwood Avenue East Aurora, N. Y. Vessel Fleet No. PNENOSNA 9 5.56.6005.0-5.600 314 Reem buiCky «oi 5e: 131 Merm, Ds Ga. 285 PWIA force ecccc. 172 ROOV CI ek: LZ, AMO ANO 2 iso les seas. 172 PEOCVDONG eck Ez IMOVStALtE <...202000c., 72 Keystone (nee City of pt. lenace)...: 257 INSEVIVIVO oo. 2 ISENWESE © 68k. elec. LZ Koaneh, W..H. ........ 127. Kandersley © ..........5.. 38 POU aces. 233 Remo Ao Bei 2A Pee Hb ee 8, 174 hime, Willis LL: .... 162 PTO OO... ckc.ccesceccss: 270 PRIMO StON © bocce cscs cs vus. 38 PMN OUTG ) a.66ce Leis 38 Kinney, A. T. ........ 176 POTOWVA oo 45.0 kee 21 POMUWA oii. esse ac 38 rine John A. s::,, 310 Koenic, Peter ........ LTT. POMOWILON 26... 5..05.002. 38 AOMSC GAT oii. i.ee le 179 Krupp, Alfred ...;... 285 fee pelle ek. 138 isachinedoce --....:....... 270 iaeckawanna -- ......... 16 Lady Barbara ........ 127 Mad y. GVey. ..i.::.....: 230 PAE AV ETUC. sc cicicccce 0s 298 MEO a 225. oc ch sel ee 281 Lahman, Sr., Wee ee keg Ve ake' Allen' .....:...0. 109 lake Crystal: ..-.... 109 Lake Folcroft ........ 109 Lake Freeland ...... 109 Lake Frugality .... 109 Lake Frumet ......... 109 25 Vessel Fleet No. Lake George .......... 81 akesravel 4.5200 250 Lake Hemlock ...... 109 Lake Kyttle <.....0.; 109 Lake Louise .......... 109 Lakeside III .......... 30 baketon 25525700) 215 Lakewood. ................ 3) Lamont, Thomas WV esc ele aes 285 Tanaris 38 Landsdowne ............ 42 Langell Boys ........ 50 Langell, Simon .... 227 a Salle oes. 70 Wavoalie 2.2.8: 86 fia Salles 2: 108 Laughlin, James.... 162 TEQUPelte oa 208 Teavarier. Wisse 267 awaldoe: (onic. 270 awrenGe: 22.55.6660. 288 Lawrendoc. ............6 270 TSEWANON (1.35, cicrcn 16 Wee eo oa Lat Wiehton i ae 16 TIGMOV NO 62 eis 38 Lenahan, Pd-= ......:. 74 Lenahan,;- John J... 52 TSN ORC er evacelee es 38 lieenard, GG: Boa... 130 Leapoldg-N, PF. 4...:: E55 ie WauZon ices. 58 Woe -Progres: 58 Leslie, Alexander... 183 TetRbrid@e: ".252...-.0. 38 TGO@MRISEON «isc... scescesees 66 SOMES es ocak ch ca Sece snes 292 WD OECYs 0k lkeseesss 26 Werherty 6 ce eas 71 TTbONLY so. eas ess 74 Lighthouse No. 75 380 Lighthouse No. 96 380 Tuimite Phe... .cc 397 Lindabury, R. V... 285 "a £ a