29 Vessel Fleet No. . Plinn, William R... 285 '\plingeman, O. J..... 226 F 'Livingston 215 Slivingstone, W....... 261 mmroyd: C.7C.. 2a 243 moomis, Hd: Bi... 132 MOYEN. eae eas lout HiOvetta cece 84 Marine Lubricants A HOtOINICTCs 3.03 cess. 330 These Ship Chandlers Ore AT Stock and Recommend \p Louisiana ................ 131 iguisvalla: (372 25 - Sohio Marine Lubricants ic "S. "3 5 eee 127 bese ge ° BUCK NOW: © ci. c.cte cs 34 ee Ashtabula Harbor Bisuckport ccc... 34 The McKinnon Iron Works hie 194 185 Bridge Street, Harbor 5320-3 AM Tuclla 000007707077) 362 : Cleveland The Upson-Walton Company Be Ok 131 PG 1310 West 11th Street, Main 7444 Lydon, William A.. 127 ee aut Harbor * 'i wen, Con: 8.0. 39 ee ae _ Pittsburgh Steamship Company '° lynch, Thomas ...... 285 a At the dock feyon, Charles <......., dd Fairport Harbor E. E. Lawrence, Jr. , ees f At the dock Main 826 es oe ze dretics suauns aes. A ® Nai ae 'ie 58 i McCullough, C. H. 281 fh vtreet one |W McDonald, No. 8.... 208 N.C. Alten Hardware "McDonough, Col. e 353 Broadway Phone 4238 "\BENE J. cc. 390 : | Sonilosky Maley Bios. vs McDougall, Alex... 285 "West Monroe St. Phone--Main 705W or eR APIANG \-2...ccs2-s+5c2: 384 iS Main 2917J mee: Wie ne oe Toledo The Hardy & Dischinger Company eS peresestteresets von 121- 3 No. St. Clair Street Main 1124--Day Peace: A.. bee : Forest 6393 W--Night et eet McKay, Robert ...... 141 : Erie, Pa A. H. Brebner & Son peowellar: J. O....... 25 aa 16 East 5th Street Phone €55-121 \i MeKerchey, J..M... 170 -."! McKinney, Price.... 156 SSTANDARD O11. CO. fetes. We 28) McLean, John H... 285 MeLean, No. 4....... 200 MacAuley,; Laird .... 39 maebeth, A. D. ...... ok (An Ohio Corporation) Vessel Fleet No. Mackinac City 4... 229 MacNaughton, J..... 399 MacPherson, N. B. 23 WEACSING aoe ee ea 330 Madison... 324.3 125 Wace: oe 285 Maco, Be At vo. 205 Mago Transit No. I 205 Mago Transit No. 1 ee Ae ie eaten epee 205 IWS COS) a ee 38 WISE eee eee 285 WESIGS 28 ae 293 Maid of the Mist INO lane nae eet 206 Maid of the Mist INO 2s ee 206 WEARING oe eae Lot Maitland No. 1 ...... 360 Maitland Rose ........ 243 Maitland, Thomas.. 294 WMaJeStIC 3 iidicc tees 127 Maley, George W... 30 WMaltetoa: (oxic... 285 Walton. 52 denice ee 215 IVEATIC (occa veces 330 Wanita 8 sisi 285 Manistique: i:2.4.... 330 Manitoba i...c:.:0.cc0-8 45 Manitou soi oii 91 Wie TTT COUIIIN 4 coe sse sees 268 Manitow 0c: ....a...:... 378 Manitowoc ..22...: 388 Manomet® <:05--a2.:5 52 Manon: Tic 27. 3s. 298 Manseau No. 101.... 208 Manseau No. 108.... 208 MantadoG =... 3%. 270 Manuel, John S..... 156 Maplebaye ..0:.-.-s00: 369 Maplebranch «........: BL Maplecourt © ............ 38 Mapleheath ..... orto 38 Maptehill: 23. ni 38 Mapleton 2 .ccu neces 38