139th Year 'sAmerica's Oldest Fire and Marine Insurance Company'"' FOUNDED 1792 Insurance Company of North America > PHILADELPHIA Capital ~ $10,000,000 Place your business in a company that has proven its dependability. Exceptional Marine Facilities. Western Marine Department 209 W. Jackson Boulevard Chicago, III. pest ~ Vessel Fleet No. WD AG MOM icc. 2 dete iccone 250 Badger State ......... 12 Barley he icc 193 BRatievy. Hs Ae 60 Bainbridge ...0.7..:. 120 Baird; Frank B. .... 23 Baker, George F..... 285 MSA DB LOS sce cches coos se 351 Ball Prank ©2......0.; ale BallCamp iii cccccsccecses 109 Baltimore qi2.2c. cece. 25 Barna, oO. 6... 303 Barkhamstead ........ 293 MAE OW o.oces isn aveceves 109 Barlum, John. J. ...° 12 Barlum, Thomas .... 12 Barnum, G. G. ...... S01 Barrallton: .3.2:5:.....: 109 RAVIOS son 38 Barth, "ue h.. ..:... il Bartelme, M. J. .... 386 BaAGA VIE oes eet: 191 Batehawana ~ 30... 84 Bathalum 253......5.: 109 Battle; James .......... 87 Bayvmead: = ....4..656.0... 109 Bay State: ..........:..-.- Ta BaAV GON uae 215 Bay View | .c2i.ds: 52 IBCAVertOn: sicks.cce. oes 38 Beauvais, Ernest E. 118 Becker, -W..H.. ...:.... 224 BCC E Fer ee oicccceccie 254 Beechbay. ...2..6¢.¢0.65. 365 PROMI os oaccntcos es 130 Bell Clara i.....:5.:.. 303 Bel Sir Le 285 Bellechasse ............. 230 BelVOIe sooo cscckse 161 Benmaple <..::).40...; 287 Bennet, F: R.. ........ 200 Bennington ............ 341 Benno. ly oe iiss 330 Berryton 2)... .ccsce0jsscs. 245 Vessel Fleet No. Bertier 2.20 230 Berwind, Ed. J...... 18 Bess; Mark... 208 Bessie Mo 32k 113 Bethalma 2 ...0..... eet Bethlehem _.............. 16 Betty: D io 112 Bielman, ©... 306 Bielman, Jr., C. F. 20 Bienville 2202-5... 192 Billings, Frank .... 156 Binning, J. Re... 142 Birch 8 379 Birehton 3.:0..2342.6.. 215 Black, Clarence A. 285 Black AC RS a. 60 Blanche 62a. AZ Block, Joseph .....:.. 155 Block, fe. He 28 155 Bioeck Philip D. ... 156 Bluebell. 362 Boardman; J.°W-.... 154 Boeckling, G. A..... 15 Boland, John J. .... 922 Boland, John J. Jr: 237 BOS) Clk, 387 Bowden, W. A. ..... 84 Bowers;: Li. M3 2.03 349 Bowman, A. FF: ...... 330 Bradley, Carl D...:.. 245 Bradley, C.:H...2: 21 Bradley: M.A... 258 Brainard, Katie ...... 393 Brandon 3.205... ae 341 Brant.) 2003504... 39 Bran obese 157 Brentwood | .....:0:.043 38 Bricoldoe) i332 ..c: 270 Brighton oiaciscs 330 BrIenOPane oii... 38 Britannia 22. cheese 86 Britannie ).....0.. 238 Brith eee 384 Britten, Fred A. .... 78 ee Sh eV}