2 Perret ce OO eI IN THESE GREAT LAKES PORTS We Offer You Complete G-E Service @ BUFFALO Sales Office: 1 West Genessee St.; Phone CLeveland 2800 e Service Shop: 318 Urban St.; Phone Filmore 5849 ® CHICAGO Sales Office: 230 S. Clark St.; Phone DEarborn 9442 @ Service Shop: 509 East Illinois St.; Phone SUperior 7689 @® CLEVELAND Sales Office: 4966 Woodland Ave.; Phone ENdicott 4464 © Service Shop: 4966 Wood- land Ave.; Phone ENdicott 4464 ® DETROIT Sales Office: 700 Antoinette St.; Phone TRinity 22600 e Service Shop: 5950 Third Ave.; Phone TRinity 22600 @® MILWAUKEE Sales Office: 940 West St. Paul Ave.; Phone MArquette 5000 @ Service Shop: 940 West St. Paul Ave.; Phone MArquette 5000 BUILDERS OF MARINE EQUIPMENT SINCE 1892 Geared-turbine drive Diesel-electric drive Turbine-electric drive Transformers, gears Auxiliary generators, lamps, fans, searchlights motors, and control Speed reducers, meters Warehouse stocks maintained in all the above Great Lake Ports. GENERAL &@ ELECTRIC Filing No. 9800 SCHENECTADY, N. Y. SAVE $ MORE BY MAIL At Ohio's Oldest and Largest Savings Bank Would you like to own '$1000? You can mail a definite amount every pay day until . you reach your goal. For _ years Great Lakes men have banked by mail at the Society for Savings. Write for our forms, or mail your first deposit now by money order, check or bank draft. RESOURCES OVER $100,000,000 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation cie ty for Saving oa im the City of Cleveland