14 KECK HEY PRECISION REGULATOR with STAINLESS STEEL RENEWABLE VALVE AND SEAT and UNIT PILOT VALVE 300 LBS. or1 LB. For Steam or Air High initial pressures can be readily reduced - in one step to pres- sures as low as one poundwithout change of springs and will be maintained con- stantly from no flow to full flow require- ments and hold tight on dead end service. Tested and approved U. S. Navy for Design, Materials, Workmanship and Operation, U. S. Maritime Commissi ¢ 5 ; ion and Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation O.C. KECKLEY COMPANY Steam Traps--Temperature Regulators--Pump Regulators-- Water Gauges--G Cocks--Strai 400 West Madison St. ae ser --, Ilinois SIDNEY E. SMITH, BUFFALO, N. Y. reat Lakes Representative PRESSURE Vessel Fleet No. Derrick & Hoister EO Os ee 136 Derrick Scow No. 3 144 Derrick Scow No. 4 144 Derrick Scow No. 8 6 Deschenaux . ............ 136 POPS © cceecca es 222 Petreit. 2... soa 230 BOOEPOIer -- .....--xgtsee 58 Diamond Alkali .... 16 vex. Baxter "3.3. 159 Peek. Charies. .<a., 159 Dick, O'Connor........ 159 Dickinson, P. W..... 90 Dickson. Wm. B..... 183 Dinkey, Alva C......... 183 ROLE go 55 vsotsscscocesstes 222, .eion, Frank .....- 30 Dixon. Geo. De ....:... 95 Dolomite No. 2...... 195 ee: 238 Donnacona _ .......... 29 Donnelly, Chas. .... 164 Donner, William H. 14 Douglas M. 140 Douglass, Edwin T. eo Dow Chemical ........ 1 Sopa dewsnncs 136 Dredge No. 2........ 238 Dredge, L. S. No. 3 144 Drill Boat No. 5.... a DrumManoe -- ...-....2c.0s5 00 Bere de ess 185 ES ee 95 Ee ecennngons 29 BIT ceccisassesiecesd- 93 Dunlap. Chas. E. .... 214 Dunn, Jr., John. 92 es 18 Dupre, Jr., Yvon.... 204 Porcton, J. F. ........ 92 E Eads. James B....... 22% Eastern States ........ 62 15 Vessel Fleet No Raton. Geecdw «i... een ae ae aera Edenborn, William 183 Edeewater --...:.-:..... 82 PAG GUOD. -- sicicicecessens 29 Wee 4s ook 70 Edward, George.... 192 Hdward %. ..........: a Per OR eectecczs 233 a ee eee 178 ag ee ee 29 I a ocscesececn snes 29 We ics 8 Ellwood, Isaac L..... 183 Emery, John R....... 74 Oe. ane ee eee ae 29 Eempive s5552........-.- 73 Empire State ........ 79 Ericsson, John ......... 277 a 78 TEE 5 os eee 222 rie SEE on iss 145 rie see: ... acc. 76 ee ae 225 OR 5 ee is 145 ae 231 eee oe 52 I 126 eee a 204 POI Fh siren ass 192 bowie. Harry T...... i720 F Fairbairn, Sir Wm. 23 PU es 200 Peirounnt -- nce cw 29 POI Sv ric reisess 26 eerie 200 ae ee 75 alee on 146 ae Ee cms 214 Terrance =u... 174 Farrell. James A..... 183 Pavorite © & cnccicciccs 93