INDEX TO LAKE FLEET ~ = A Vessel Fleet No. ous Algeka 237 Vessel Fleet No. Amaranth ~ 265%... 225 aoe 225 Amazon- - ............-2-:2- 106 -- Le gS gene err ee 60 DOTTED eit cccnces 10 eh gO DS Geen eres eee i oe 9 America Fp a 93 Acadialitd ............... 108 = American nw... 6 Ronan 29 oo pees sae ee 138 7 ae Siig LE 154 MIneeinsD Se 4 (ata i¢.. Atmherst. oo. 0c2 145 Acligson 322 121 (nee Peter Koenig) : Adams, Curyler........ 214 Anarco Spt cules a 1 9 = Raele eee 75 AnmcCeiine se 45 = Beate 5 Sa 178 Ann Arbor No. 3... 7 a. 152 Ann Arbor No. 5... 7 TH j S : Affleck, B: F. ........ 183 Ann Arbor No. 6... 7 LUBRICANT r= hems PO 31 Ann Arbor No. 7.. 7 --_ Asoniine --.......¥... 111 Ant 3 s.4 ok ee 126 IS WATERPROOF Alabama Son se glee Water" Wings) atime Alabame< icc-.c.icsc: 93 'ich ae Seeaneere= <i 178 It won't wash off the exposed gears, wire peth ATbeEPOES: - 6c. -sscrc 208: agonal 8 rope or sheaves. Absolutely prevents rust EEE aetna $4 Arivona. 3. 93 and corrosion. Just as efficient for below . SS 126 Arkansas p00: Ai as above decks ao Aiporen = 55. 3 Arnold, Fanny ...... 26 . , =---- Algomah IL ............ 117 = Ashcroft... 29 The LUBRIPLATE Folder tells Algonquin ............ 104. Ashley, J. S. ... 106 how to save money on lubricants : . Algonquins _ ........... 55. 'Ashtabula .............. 98 and make equipment last longer. ett hkigorale <= 3 --. sett eeee eee es : : LUBRIPLATE DIVISION A]Z0800 --sssseeesesseeee Aa FISKE BROTHERS REFINING COMPANY Algostee] -....-ss © Athabasca. --........ 34 Newark, N. J. Toledo, Ohio = a oe scenes 2 Se 5 -- (nee John J. Boland, Atterbury, W. W. 95 DEALERS FROM COAST TO COAST Jr.) Aubrey = 2553 5 _ -- See 184 Augustus, A. A. .... 106 -_-_-- Alice Vivian csi... 238 Aurelia os.essesesseeseees a BU) Sie ATE Allan, Sir Hugh .... 156 be cenertriencnsgnacersates ae Allan, No. ees Coo ee TL ey -- Allen, Justine C..... 125 B rN a Allen, Martha E..... = 2... 90 ARRESTS PROGRESSIVE WEAR tins 93 Betk= Bay 84 a