ee oe Be IN THESE GREAT LAKES PORTS We Offer You Complete G-E Service @ BUFFALO Sales Office: 1 West Genesee St.; Phone Cleveland 2800 e Service Shop: 318 Urban St.; Phone Humboldt 5849 @ CHICAGO Sales Office: 840 S. Canal St.; Phone W ABash 5611 « Service Shop: 849 S. Clinton St.; Phone WABash 5611 @ CLEVELAND Sales Office: 4966 Woodland Ave.; Phone ENdicott 4464 e Service Shop: 4966 Wood- land Ave.; Phone ENdicott 4464 @ DETROIT Sales Office: 700 Antoinette St.; Phone TRinity 22600 e Service Shop: 5950 Third Ave.; Phone TRinity 22600 @ MILWAUKEE Sales Office: 940 West St, Paul Ave.; Phone MArquette 5000 e Service Shop: 940 West St. Paul Ave.; Phone MArquette 5000 Warehouse stocks maintained in all the above reat Lakes Ports. @ TOLEDO : Sales Office: 420 Madison Ave.; Phone MAin 6291 BUILDERS OF MARINE EQUIPMENT SINCE 1892 GENERAL 4 ELECTRIC Filing No. 9800 SCHENECTADY, N. Y. ~ 5 = Yew I -- Ee a s Tell the Skipper: @a> that you want to anchor a few n=: dollars out of every pay atthe /|Ma)\==5 Society for Savings. KES aa You'll feel great with a grow- |i = ing reserve in this oldest and |S=/==--Z largest mutual savings bank in _|fiy es Ohio. When ashore, change |S===2 some of it into Defense Bonds. Bass f Why not tell the skipper to |S iB start you right away. Qs = ee |= a0e || He = f MSE 0 o 'a' ri \ ----, Pg \ Resources over $100,000,000 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (-- 4 -- = incorporated 1849 Society for Sav im the City of Cleveland