14 THE W. M. PATTISON - SUPPLY CO. Immediate Deliveries from Stock: EVERLASTING VALVE COMPANY Blow-Off and Water Column Valves JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORPORATION Galvanized Steel Mooring Lines, Wire Rope and Boiler Tubes LUNKENHEIMER COMPANY Bronze, Iron and Steel Valves for Marine Service STANLEY ELECTRIC TOOLS Marine Scaling Hammers, Drills, and Grinders WALL ROPE WORKS, INC. Harbor Tow Lines, Boat Falls, Signal Halyards and Ratlines Telephone: MAin 7320 777 Rockwell Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Vessel Connecticut .........0 83 Connell, Charles J. 71 Connell, Frances M. 71 Connell, Jr., P. G. 71 Connelly, W. M. .... 183 Connelly Bros. Ne, 4. ee 46 COMSER YS osececcacscees 49 Constitution _.......... 167 Corey, William E... 163 Cornelius, Adam E. 19 (iy | eee 163 COT Sa is iiice ns scans 209 I a vecscacaccse 17 REE a sissies nies cero: 204 Coulby, Harry ......... 160 Pree 75 Cowan, W. P. ......... 191 Cowle, John B. ...... 82 Craftsman: .:.é....<::.. PR a ssissase 94 Crawford, G. C. ....163 Crawford, W. D..... 89 Qrescent City ....... 153 Creat ic. cscs 80 Crete nce 160 Croft, Harry W. .... 160 Cumberland _.......... 203 Cushing, John F... 80 Cyclo-Brave ......... 127 Cyclo-Chief ........... 127 Cyclo-Warrior ........ 127 Cyenus -sege33ce 209 D eee ot eis. 164 Dalhousie City ....... 145 Dalton, Henry G. .. 160 SIMS os foes, 97 Davidson, James,... 104 15 Vessel Fleet No. Davidson, Jas. E..... 104 Davie, George T. .... 169 RT ads Wo ccs 135 Davis, Wm. (see Billie M) DeLaverendrye .... 40 DEALDOFN -- cccccescccossece 73 PICTUS = anc vkeressseesss 0 Desete 3. ccc 62 Deivet 2c. 164 Denmark --.5.. 5a 82 Derrick Scow No. 3 128 Derrick Scow No. 4 128 Derrick Scow No. 8 5 BetraiG nn Sa 39 Dero. naan 202 Detroit 224... 208 Detroiter <2... 141 Diamond Alkali ...... 19 Dick, Baxter ......... 142 Dick, Charles ........ 142 RR a esc 189 Dickinson, P. W..... 80 Dickson, Wm. B. .}. 163 Dinkey, Alva C. .... 163 TOR i dcsesccess 202 Dixon, Geo. D. .... 84 TPT oe aiecnessvnreee 216 Donnacona .........0000 28 Donnacona No. 2.. 171 Donnacona No. 3.. 171 Donnelly, Chas. .... 146 Donner, William H. 17 DONDRCO siscescassececccce 171 Doville, Ke &.......... 119 Dow Chemical ...... 19 Tass ones canis 121 Dredge No. 2. ........ 132 Dredge No. 27 ....... 216 Dredge, L. S. No. 3 128 Drill Boat No. 5 .... 128 Drumahoe (see F. H. Brown) Dubrule; J. ..:....<....:. 16 Were a ee