tae EEL LL aban) Bac e412 ee " BOILER WATER 'TREATMENT Boiler water treatment and engineering service are included in the complete Dear- born plan. Chemicals are formulated to correct and overcome bad water character- istics; equipment furnished for proper and convenient application of treatment. ct MCUs You can permanently protect steel atk on vessels or on land with NO-OX-ID, the original rust preventive. NO-OX- ID may be applied over rusted surfaces. It pene- trates to the base metal where it ares ately stops all corrosion. NO-OX-ID i not affected by water. Send for costlier information. Rt, Hae ea MARINE DEPARTMENT 310 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il. HOW TO USE THE DIRECTORY M@ Beginning on page 39 is listed more than 1500 vessels available for service on the Great Lakes for the season of 1945. In addition to management, chief operating personnel is given where possible, In the case of bulk freighters technical data, such as keel length, beam, depth, distance be- tween hatches, and carrying capacity at 20-ft. draft are given. M@ To find the name of the owner, captain or engineer, refer to the name of the vessel in the alphabetical index. Each listing in this index carries a number which refers to the fleet to which the vessel belongs and is found preceding the owner's name in the fleet listing. Mi On page 115 a directory of shipbuilding and ship repair yards is given, listed alpha- betically, with the names of officials and pertinent data. @ On page 135 a Where-To-Buy directory will be found, conveniently listed under each port. Copyright, 1945, The Penton Publishing Co. Cleveland, Ohio