2 THE COND AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING * fy COMPANY MAIN OFFICE Foot of West 54th St. N. W. Cleveland 2, Ohio ae i) be. 4 IN THE CITY OF CLEVELAND Telephone: WOodbine 2280 , Since 1849 9 Gate aah So ener 2277 | TH E BANK WH ERE Main Office WOodbine 3089 YOU BELONG BUFFALO PLANT 191-301 Ganson St., Buffalo 3, N. Y. Five generations of Great Lakes men Telephone: Cleveland 4055 have built their savings at Society for -- i Savings. They have enjoyed a full cen- | CHICAGO PLANT tury of safety, continuous 'service-and | 101st St. and Calumet River, Chicago 17, Ill. : uninterrupted dividends. Join their Telephone: Regent 4-2000 ranks by saving at Society--the bank where you belong. LORAIN PLANT Colorado Avenue, Lorain, Ohio attra -- Soriety @ Savings TOLEDO PLANT IN THE CITY OF CLEVELAND 2245-57 Front St., Toledo 3, Ohio | DED 1849 Telephone: TAylor 2475 FOUNDED 184 i MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION