INDEX TO LAKE FLEET s Gi : dt Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. mee os ee 79 Ann Arbor No, 6. 8 Metco ee 2 Ann Arbor No. 7. 8 MmeBtian: oo. ek. 27 Annemarie ....... 121 ANC HORS Accommodation ... 129 Annik .:.......... 121 CD 2 Apostle Island .... 18 Adams, "Cuyler ... 196 Areturas 2 SS 159 G n < POG 255 Ss ee 219 Arsentienu.. =. 3... 29 Merge 22S. 159 AYI"ZOGS VS ss Ss 82 Affleck, B. F, .... 160 Arkansas (nee DI-LOK FORGED menos. J. 2.2.2 ss 193 Yaie) > 2. 82 Ameen Pw. ice 29 Armstrong, Frank 159 STEEL CHAINS Ascibieg 62: Oe "ASBO 525) 5 moavueGIma= .. 2.5 ..< . 39 BOMGIGTE -- o.. 5. Se 27 ee S32 Amey J. 8... Great Lakes ships use BALDT An- -- a ae a esas oe " was Seinvoia =... «. ..=: chors and DI-LOK Chains. Vessels Algomah II ..... yale 129 on both the American and Can- Aigonquin ©....... Ot "Aubrey 8 i os. s 132 adian sides are so equipped. As = Augustus, A. A. .. 94 AisOgeS Ss 3 Avery, Sewell ..... 160 New, used and reconditioned An- ee Pee ese : pee og ee . : . pean Won 7 chors and Chains available for mee SS 161 Ayers, J. Burton .. 81 shipment from stock. Allan, Sir Hugh ... 141 Aylmer ........... 198 Alen M3 128 Allen, Martha E. .. 111 B B A L D Ze Fae SSS 132 QipGee 2 es 217 B-T ree gs AAS oo 155 Baker, Geo., Fe es oe AsWESOR Ue 56s 23 al rothers .... 196 ANCHOR, CHAIN & FORGE DIVISION meine eee Ea : of Asetiean. |... 55. 5 Barge 197. 2.23. 206 American ......... 5 Batre... Sea ST THE BOSTON METALS CO. American = .. 2... 52 Batchewana ...... 128 CHESTER, PA. Ayerienn 2. |... - 123 Battle, James ..... 184 Agnes 2-2 = & . weeitic(ord -...._-.. 27 Great Lakes Representative: Anderson ......... 160 Bayanna ......<.. 12 : Andrew, M. (nee Bayfax ........... 47 F. S. HUTCHINSON " Fred G. Hartwell) 89 Bayfield .......... 30 823 Rockefeller Bldg. Cleveland 13, Ohio Angeline 2.5 3.; aS Fayenen no ees 181 Phone: PRospect 1-6337 Ann Arbor No. 3 . 8 Mavion -- 2.0. ss 48 oe Ann Arbor No, 5. 8 Beauharnois ...... 107