MACKINAC ~ ONE-WAY AND ROUND-TRIP LOCAL CABIN RATES V 1A ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS apeake, Port: Hou a ton ancock FIRST-CLASS TARIFF. a Season of 1907. £ a ee eS ee Bie a $ 2.50 Glaveiane..... Steck sr oe 5,00 Detror So oe 7.50 *Port Huron......... Syste ese 8.00 Mackinac Island),: : .sas-..... 20.5525 17.00 Sault Ste. Marie... Sos ee . Marquette ...... Scion 21.00 Portage Lake, Houghton and Hancock..| 25.00 Dabur ee ee sas 2. | OOO --_ 21 | Cleveland. Sg & Marquette, sssssss ostsseags ex co = Sl Port Huron. ssses '8 & S| Mackinac s s 2 s s Island. =o Nun o 83 4 & | sault sto. ssssss Marie. ontns 88888888) and Note important Changes. The extra fare charged on the Steamships Juniata and Tionesta during previous sea- sons has been abolished. CHILDREN under twelve and over five years of age, half fare; under five years, if accompanied by an adult, free transporta- tion. A cian of 50 cents each meal will be made for children under five years of age, occupying seats at the table. An extra service charge of 25 cents each will be made for meals served in rooms. In comparing first-class rates of this line with all-rail or with those of other steamer lines, please add to the latter sleeping car or stateroom charges and amount payable for meals. Our first-class rates include meals and stateroom berth. Through rates quoted to all points East and West. Mixed-class rates--first-class steamer and second-class rail--quoted to Northwestern points. Heavy-faced type round-trip rates. Tickets good until close of navigation of year stamped on back, exceptin: Island service June ist to September 30th only. Light-faced type one-way rates. Meals an in all first-class rates. o and from Mackinac Island; Mackinac stateroom erth (which must be reserved in advance) included AGENTS IN DRAWING ORDERS FOR TICKETS AT THE ABOVE RATES WILL WRITE "LOCAL" INSTEAD OF GIVING ROUTE NUMBER SECOND-CLASS RATES, DECK TRANSPORTATION ONLY, VIA ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS SECOND-CLASS TARIFF. Season of 1907. Cleveland. Port Huron. Mackinac Island. Sault Ste. Marie. | Marquette. Portage Lake, Houghton and Hancock But sco ee cee (2 re Cleveland........... ewolts; 5 a: Secia Port Histone iso. es s- sees Mackinac Island. . is GRUNT St MAELO sass oo sctse oe wisn 2 os |= 8,00 Marquee 2 se eae soe is 7.00 Portage Lake, Houghton and Hancock..| 8.00 ee. SS eee Second-class rates are for continuous main-deck transportation only_and do not include either meals or berth. No stop-over allowed. One hundred and fifty pounds of baggage free for each adult ticket. Children between five and twelve years of age half- fare; under five free, if accompanied by a |. guardian. ALL MEALS furnished to passengers at "embarkation ports before the advertised sailing hour or after their arrival at destina- tion port, will be charged for at 75 cents each meal. Extra meal tickets should be procured from the purser. *Service to and from this port will be oe by the steamer "Japan." The teamships 'Juniata' and "Tionesta"' will not stop at this port in either direction. STEAMSHIPS "JUNIATA" AND "TIONESTA" EXTRA TARIFF FOR PARLOR ROOM, WITH PRIVATE BATH, WHICH WILL ONLY BE SOLD TO A HOLDER OF A CABIN TICKET o : =x < = ; é . a 2 EXTRA PARLOR ROOM TARIFF. = a s Z é 3 4 e Season of 1907. 3 = = ~o 3. é = = os -- = = 2 cm oc oc 5 ao |e@cl os | = a a 0. 15.00 | $20.00 | $25.00 | $27. $30.00 | $35.00 T 12.50 | 17.50 | 22.50 z: 27.50 | 32.50 10.00 | 15.00} 20.00 é 25.00 | 30.00 10.00 | 15.00 = 20.00 | 25.00 Mackinac Island ....... 10.00 5.00 | 20.00 Sault Ste. Marie : -50 | 15.00 Marquette... 00| 12.50 Portage Lak 10.00 ee ee ee The parlor room tariff is based on the sur- render of berth space and in consequence at least one transportation ticket must be pre- sented with each parlor room ticket. The holder of a parlor room ticket will not be entitled to berth space not contained in the parlor room specified on the ticket. No refund will be made on the unused por- tion of any parlor room ticket, and lay-overs cannot be issued on parlor room tickets. The holder of a parlor room ticket stopping off at an intermediate port forfeits the unused por- tion of the i Sed room ticket and no part of such unused ticket will apply to a subsequent trip or be refunded. rooms on Steamer "Japan." The full tariff rate will 3