ITINERARY No other lake line furnishes the various ports of call en route. MACKINAC ISLAND OF THE TRIP. its peesmans such delightful opportunities to visit elow is given the usual running schedule for the general information of intending passengers, but the Anchor Line will not be responsible for deviations. The arriving time iven at the various ports is not guaranteed, but under ordinary circumstances is the time usually made. Steamships '""JUNIATA"' and "TIONESTA"' WEST-BOUND PORT Arrive Leave In Port Distance | 1.00pm | 11.00pm | 3! hours]... Erie.... 30 am 10.00 am 3 & Cleveland . 00 pm 11.30 pm 6 £ - Detroit ...... -00 am 12.00noon| 5 S 105 * Mackinace.. 10.00 am 12.00 noon; 2 & 305 30 pm -00 pm 24.6 506525 00 am 10.00 am 1 g 160 30 pm 7.30 pm 3 « B05 6 -00 am 10.15 pm | 38% "& 130 & EAST-BOUND. PORT Arrive Leave In Port Distance Duluth. 10.15 pm Portage Lake 12.00 noon Marquette. 7.00 p ault 8.00 am Macki 5.00 pm Detro 0 Cleve. Steamer "JAPAN" WEST-BOUND. PORT Arrive Leave In Pert Distance Buffalo......... A 2.00 pm BES houral......c.0see = Erie.... , 1.30 am fie. 80 miles Cleveland.. . 8.00 pm 84 500. Detroit ..... e 11.00 am 5 S 105 « Port Huron. 5. 6.30 pm 1 * Os Mackinac.. 4. 7.00 pm meg 245 aie 5. 7.00 am 2 « 106=-s Marquette... --| 10.00 p 11.00 pm 1 " 160 « Portage Lake.. <.|° 7.30 am 1.00 pm Bi: 2s Dolnth cree see 6:00 am_| 10:15pm | 40% « | 189 « EAST-BOUND. PORT Arrive Leave In Port Distance Dulnth. 5... .00 am 10.15 pm AB SO Rele anes eens Portage Lake . .30 pm 10.00 pm 4 « 180 miles arquette... 30 am 11.00 am 44% Ot « alt -00 am 6.30 am 44% CS 160 « 00 pm 5.00 pm 2 = 10, ¢ 30 pm 2.45 pm & = 245 «& 15 pm 10.00 pm & 6). 4 00 am 9.00 am 1 c 10 & 00 pm 11.00 pm 5 « 100 « 00 am 2.00 pm 31 e ss ROUND ISLAND, SAULT RIVER. x - CONNECTION is made at Mackinac Island with steam- ers of the Manitou Steamship Co., Northern Michigan Transportation Co, and Green Bay Transportation Co. to and from the summer re- sorts of Northern Michigan, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Chi- cago and points south and southwest. Our fares are practically even with hotel rates, and in- clude meals and a stateroom berth; so that intending pat- rons may know in advance the exact cost of any particu- lar tour. Berths should be reserved in advance. THE PASSENGER FLEET. JUNIATA TIONESTA | JAPAN Captain 3. nae Edward Martin.) John Doherty ...... ....| H, Cronkhite... Steward ... ..| C, C, Thomson,| W. L. Milliken... on] se geec ceeere ane Pore. .| E, L. Hazard...) FrankW.Servoss........ Wm. J. Doyle.. Purser's Clerk. . |W BuGibb.....| Romayn Y+ Thatcher, 2 iv-ocsei ser mcat Library Clerk. .......: T.W. Dwight..| George B. Chase........ GONSTITUTE THE PASSENGER SERVICE OF THE : Erie & Western Transportation Co. ANCHOR LINE THE ONLY STEAMER SERVICE BETWEEN LAKE ERIE PORTS AND LAKE SUPERIOR PORTS. Including Meals and Stateroom Accommodations In the Price of Ticket. The Schedule of sailings given in this folder will be adhered to as closely as possible, but the Anchor Line will not be responsible for claims for damages resulting from delays or deviations from the schedule by labor strikes or other unavoidable causes. The Company reserves the right on September and October scheduled sailings, East or West bound, to forward passengers at its expense via connect- ing lines, lake or rail, between Detroit and Cleveland. These steamers are furnished with all mod- ern appliances for con- venience, safety, and comfort. Running water, electric lights, and the best of beds in each room. All state- rooms are well venti- lated. Wide promenade decks extend entirely around the _ steamer; the upper, or hurricane deck,is covered with an awning and furnished with comfortable deck chairs, making a very pleasant place to enjoy oe -| the trip during the day and early evening. 8 GRAND P The excellence of the table is an especial feature of this line. MAIL FOR PASSENGERS May be addressed in care of the following agents: pare ee! N. Y..................CHAS. E, MARKHAM, Anchor Line Dock Hy PAC .eeeee+-C. W, PAYNE, Anchor Line Dock CLEVELAND, O. JOHN MARRON, foot of 9th Street, N. W. DETROIT, MICH | ee P. E. BOURKE, foot of Cass Street essebestesce. . OMSOaT .. GEORGE T. ARNOLD .CHAS. O. BERGLUND HURON, MICH........ MACKINAC ISLAND, MICH.. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. MARQUETTE, MICH ce iiriasis aeig ek BE PRES SONS HOUGHTON, MICH... J.C. THOMSON, Copper Range R. R. Dock DULUTH, MINN. Beis oo noes D. A. CHRISTY, 101 Palladio Building Give name of passenger, name of steamer Cohen known,) direction bound, and state whether mail is to be held until called for or to be for- warded in case of delivery too late to catch steamer, The address of the sender should always be shown on all letters and parcels, so that undeliv- ered mail matter may be returned. Ample time for delivery should be allowed. Only first-class matter will be forwarded. 8 <